Sep 14, 2005 00:11
- Thank God the Paseo Bridge is open again! It's been almost two weeks and I keep forgetting to note it here, but it makes my life so much easier! I LOVE the blue color and the wider lanes. Oh God, do I love not having to drive twenty minutes out of my way morning and night to go to work!
- On the other hand, I hate how often things are broken at work, because the company is too cheap to spend any money on preventative matinence. It's always better to wait for things to break totally-Not! But I hate more snotty new workers who think they know everything and act like it is my fault. No, I am not the owner. All I can do is inform him. I do know we are losing money when the equipment isn't working. Listen, smartie-pants new girl, I've worked for the man on and off ten years now. Why don't you call him up and give it a try? I'm sure you will get SOO much farther then I do with him. He'll be calling me to have you fired before you hear a dial tone! So, can the attitude with me. No one likes a know it all.
- I saw the saddest thing the other morning on my way to class. A squirrel had just been run over in the road. Another squirrel was by the body and kept running away each time a car approached and then coming back. So, it was just a matter of time before both of them ended up squished. I know I am such a softie where animals are concerned in general. Also, I have seen The Secret of Nimh way too many times, but in the split seconds that I observed this, I imagined what the squirrel was thinking and saying. I thought it was probably the husband dead in the road. The other squirrel just couldn't make herself believe he was dead, so she kept going back and begging him to get up and be all right. Of course, he never would, because he was dead and she was risking her own life crying over him. So, so sad. I was teary about it for about five minutes. I do care equally about people as well as animals. I know squirrels are just rats with fluffy tails and better PR, but it was still a very sad start to the morning.
- In the same vein, all the stories about people losing their pets in the wake of Hurricane Katrina were heart breaking to me. I know the human deaths are supposed to be more important, but the idea of having to leave behind a pet to drown or slowly starve to death is just horrifying as well! I read a great article in the paper that said we know pets give us unconditional love, so for an animal lover it is the ultimate betrayal of that trust and love to leave the pet to die. I know if I were forced to leave, the cats in their carriers would go in my car, right along with my great-grandmother's quilts, clock and wedding ring and the photo albums. Actually, I can't imagine what I would choose and thank god I haven't had to. I don't know how I would live with myself if I had to leave them behind though. I've forced them to go to the basement with me when the tornado sirens were going and gotten badly scratched for my trouble. So, I do always do my best to make them safe and probably taken risks with my own safety to do so. There's not much warning at all for one of those. I might just end up being one of the people who was still in the city, if I couldn't leave with the cats. My dad would kill me for saying that, but it is true. Thankfully, I do have my own car and it's hard to imagine what would happen here that would prevent driving away. I gave at Petco on Saturday to Noah's Wish, the charity that is saving pets from the city. Don't get me wrong, I have cried for the people as well. The scope of the tragedy is just unbearable and I don't even know where to start with all the things I think about it. The poor animals though never even knew/know what is happening. They wait for their people to come back and help them and they die.
- On a more cheerful note, I love the start of the Fall TV Season. I'm very happy that with my crazy work and school schedule, I have several evenings a week at home during prime time. Last year, I was never home in the evenings and so the only shows I watched anymore were Lost and Alias, which I taped. It was just too much trouble to try to tape anything else. I missed starting on a few other shows I heard were good because of the time issue, such as Veronica Mars and House. I hope I can find time for a few new shows this year. I don't ever want to be a three shows every night girl again, but a couple more wouldn't hurt. Of course, it is risky to fall in love with a new show before at least Thanksgiving. No sooner do I love one at this time of year, than they change the time slot twelve times and cancel it and I find myself stood up and heart-broken! It has happened so many times before, and yet like a fool, each year I come back and look for new weekly dates.
- So, tonight I watched a tiny bit of Bones, with David B. from Angel, but I was distracted by other things. What I saw, I did like. I'll have to watch it again. Then, I watched Supernatural with Jensen Ackles, who I've liked ever since he was on Days as Eric Brady years ago when I still watched that in college. It's about two brothers who are traveling around looking for their missing father and hunting things that go bump in the night. The first one tonight was pretty good! Scary and an interesting plot. I knew there was more than suicide to the Woman in White ghost story, but I thought it was that her husband had murdered the children and possibly her and gotten away with it. Not that she was overcome with guilt for mudering the kids herself! The explanation that she had gone crazy and done it because the husband was having an affair seemed written by a man to me. Ok, wow, so I'm a sexist. Seriously, though, killing the cheating husband, crime of passion? I can see that. Taking the kids away from him in a custody battle, why not? But killing them and yourself? Yeah, that really shows him! Though he did seem sad and brokend hearted in the present day. So, why would she kill other men who were just passing by, if she never even killed her own husband? In any case, it was a very creepy and suspensful show and Jensen did his usual good job. I liked the ongoing story of what happened to their family as well. The humor needs a bit of work, but overall I liked it. I'd watch it again and I recomend it so far.
- Reminder, I must post about going to visit Sara. I had a great time and I was so proud of how well she did in her play!
- I think Nimue's Bane is about ready to start! So exciting. We still really need a Ron, Ginny, Hermione and Sirius and we will be all set. Anyone possibly interested in any of those parts?
- Finally, woe is me, I hate having an early class three days a week. It interfers with sleep some days and work others and it a total waste of time. It is my one class with all undergraduates and they have nothing meaningful to say. I know that sounds bitchy, but it is true. I have way too much going on lately to go over there and waste my time. We are reading the most wonderful book about teens, A Tribe Apart, and I can tell only the faculty member and I have read the whole book! Grr! I was so excited to discuss it, but day after day, nothing is said that is worthwhile.