Dec 02, 2009 16:50
So I tried to refill my naturethoid last week and failed. NO ONE has it. After discussing it on the phone I talked my doc into ordering the compounded form for me, from Women's International Pharm. It is $17 there, and $40 locally. I ordered it, but was leaving town before it arrived, so luckily I still had an available refilll of Armour, but everyone locally is out of that, as well! I managed to find it at a pharmacy in the town I was visiting, hah, crazy, huh?
anyway, the reason I am writing is that I have been taking the compounded form since Sunday. The pharmacist warned me that some folks found it to be stronger. Being that my thryroid was slightly low, not low enough to up my dose of naturethroid, I jumped at the chance to try it.
So, some of my symptoms are better- the cold shivers, the sore neck, the tiredness, the over eating. But I feel like I am on the verge of a nervous breakdown. shaky and agitated. Do I wait it out? I have no insurance so would like to not go to the doc, but will if i have to. Is this something that I will "settle into"?