Jun 10, 2008 17:51
the hits keep on coming!
As many of you know, D got laid off, last week. No severance, no insurance for 30 days(as is traditional) and no V/S time paid out.
thanks, thanks a lot, dude.
neither one of us have any makeup jobs lined up, which is odd, as we both generally have SOMETHING booked.
and today- the washing machine went kaput. If you know me and my tendencies, you know that this really pisses me off!
my mantra today- we have a nice new A/C, we have a nice new A/C.....
have been dealing with the C.H.I.P. people a lot. they must have monkeys running that place. The last one was "this child is not a U.S. citizen". um, duh. we have sent you a copy of his b. cert., SS card, and verification of birth facts. and you READ the copy back to me on the phone!!!! come on! engage brains. and every verification of facts takes 2 week. Luckily Jack has been very healthy! we would be in deep shit if not.