Auuuugh. That guy was so annoyyyying! The movie was prettily made, but I couldn't stop being irritated by that ridiculous male character! And getting the impression that the director was in love with Zooey Deschenel, and the screenwriter was one of those buttheads that always say, "I'm SO NICE, why don't WOMEN LIKE ME????"
I enjoyed 500 Days of Summer, but I am able to recognize that the "hero" was acting like an epic douche throughout. (But I can't stay mad at him, because I have totally been That Person in a relationship who refuses to see that it is not working. And then gets pissed at the other person for having it all together afterwards.)
OH AND ALSO - I also always wish that I could be instantly prettier when considering new hairstyles. I always seem to be drawn to styles that would never in a million years actually work with the hair growing out of my head. Or my face. Because the models in the pictures are so dang pretty!
Yes he was. Epic. But Becki and I are pretty cynical about romanticising stalkerish possessive relationship behavior. It just wasn't a movie for us, you know?
Yeah....after watching Twilight...I had to be under the influence while watching it, cuz that stalker love made me scared. Guys or girls should not think stalking is ok.
Hi long-time lurker. Just wanted to say I really like the new hair cut! I know how you feel about wishing the instant pretty would happen with a hair cut. I've been torn about 500 Days of Summer. A lot of people love it but then it got such bad reviews. I really enjoy your drawings! Thanks for posting them.
Comments 70
500 Days of Summer was awful. I feel like it was a movie about adults acting like teenagers.
Oh gawd 500 days of summmerrrrrr. It makes me never want to date ever ever ever again.
dang what does that say about me
But Becki and I are pretty cynical about romanticising stalkerish possessive relationship behavior. It just wasn't a movie for us, you know?
I really enjoy your drawings! Thanks for posting them.
Monster hit win!
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