Mar 17, 2009 12:42

Does this look slightly familiar? Oh fine, how about this?

I finished my 24 watercolor portraits series!
I did the final one (above) last night, and recorded the process, while broadcasting it live on Ustream. It went long, because I kept getting distracted, so it lasts for a few videos of the evening's painting adventures, in which I answer a lotta questions from viewers in the chat, babble about my art supplies, and Linney makes a couple of appearances. Also, I ended it, exhausted and slightly tipsy on one drink, playing my uke and shooting the breeze with Nelly.

Thanks so much to those who watched and asked questions and stuff! It was great fun. I hope I'll get to do something similar again, soon!

You can Watch my Videos of the Process here, but I don't blame you if you don't wanna sit around for like four hours and watch my hands accidentally blocking the painting. So, endlessseeker very kindly took some screencaps of the broadcast, so you can check those out on this Flickr set!

Today I scanned all the paintings. I'll probably make a very small run of prints of these, and sell a few at conventions, and a few online. Please let me know what you think of my little project, and I'm very open to suggestions on my next series of portraits (though it might not happen for a while).

Here they all are, folks!

24 Portraits


Also on my Flickr account, I took a few minutes to note-up a photo of my staple art supplies.
Check it out, here!

But Linney was mad not to have been included, essential as she is to my art-making process, so here's photo of my COMPLETE collection of art supplies:


This is the song of the week, for me. GAWD I love Loudon Wainwright III.
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