well, motherfucker.

May 17, 2010 16:10

good news of the day: Fox renewed "Human Target!"

bad news of the day: Fox is putting "Human Target" into the very same timeslot as "Smallville!"

omfg, idek. there are like, four television shows I am slavishly watching and enjoying right now, and three of them are on on the same night. ("White Collar" also being on Fridays, although it'll be over with new eps by September? I think? and Bravo might move it, idk.) ("The Big Bang Theory" is the other show that I slavishly watch/enjoy right now, and having spent the entire morning reading wank on the Sheldon/Penny comm I am starting to think that I am the only person watching who actually still likes the show. except, of course, that falls into the prevailing S/P batshittery mindset that they comprise the entirety of the audience, which ahahaha, no.)

eh, whatever, I get moar Guerrero, I get moar Welling and Lois, this is all good. perhaps CTV will also pick up "HT" and keep it on another day. they show "Ghost Whisperer" on Friday at 8 now, is that still going to be on? I have no idea.

eventually I will get more "Flashpoint." this is a good thing.

I slept approximately 8 minutes the entirety of last night, so when my alarm went off this morning I didn't even pretend that work was going to happen for me today. I might have to take a vacation day, but that's fine, I don't care, I feel like shit. I slept a few more hours but am still dragging my ass. I really cannot wait for this damn cold to be gone for good. I wish I didn't have such consistently horrible reactions to prescription meds, man. I would drug my ass from here to Timbuktu if the side effects weren't worse than the disease.

slashpoint, matt bomer is ridiculous, climb welling like a tree, did you just flip a coin?, my mom had me tested
