so last night on the way home from the movies I noticed that my ponytail was really bugging the shit out of me. (more than usual.) so, just before I hit the exit for my village, I thought, "hey, I should go get all my hair chopped off tomorrow!"
and I did. :) ponytail gone, about seven or eight inches of hair gone overall. I have chin-length layers and bangs now. I bought a new colour; I'm putting that in tonight (omg only one box!). I also bought a shitload of stuff to try and make it shiny and not so frizzy, since my hair has a _ridiculous_ amount of curl for an Indian girl. (srsly, it was stick straight until I was about 19, when I started perming it - which I stopped doing by 23 - and ever since, the older I get, the curlier my hair gets.)
I also decided, at about 2am this morning while watching "White Collar" (as one does) that it was about damn time that I repaired the water damage in my living room and repainted the two affected walls. so, I googled around a bit, decided that the ideal contrast for my pink walls would be chocolate brown, and after I got my hair cut I bought some primer (since the drywall doesn't need to be replaced) and paint.
so, yeah. carefully-considered decision-making? is kind of not in my vocabulary. :D
I also decided that I wanted popcorn, and since there wasn't a damn thing playing that I wanted to see (in Belleville, at least), I went to "The Losers" again.
I kind of really love this movie. it's not great, it's a little too-originy (although not a whole lot), and holy fuck I am in love with Cougar. he's just the most beautiful man. and that ACCENT. yo quiero, bitches. plus, he and Jensen are MFEO, and I spent most of the movie writing a story in my head that involved a lot of fucking. it was guhhhhhhhh.
rest of the movie still awesomesauce. probs going again. had to make icons. :D
now I am at home, I had a peanut buster parfait for dinner, and I'm about to put in my hair colour. and I need to re-arrange the rest of my bathroom, since I up my new shower tower this morning and the rest of the room just looks a mess, now.