I am so tired I can barely keep my eyes open, but I'm trying not to go to bed until the sun sets. also, "Smallville" is on at 8 and I think it's new this week. so.
today I went to see "Kick-Ass."
it was less funny and less violent than I was expecting, which surprised me. I didn't think that it really deserved the 18A rating, to be honest; I've seen several movies in the past year that were either more "adult" (like "The Hangover") or much more violent (like "Ninja Assassin"). other than Hit Girl saying "cunt" a couple of times (and, I have to say, Roger Ebert must have seen a completely different movie than I did; from his review, I was expecting her to be a pint-sized longshoreman) and slicing some body parts off in her first big action scene, it was pretty much akin to your "typical" comic-book movie. there was more showing of the after-effects of the violence - Kick-Ass got his ass kicked and it showed (which I thought was good - maybe less likely to make kids want to put on a bath towel and jump off the garage than Superman?) pretty much all the way through the movie, and even Hit Girl taking a few in the chest had consequences.
it was a good movie, but I don't think it was as groundbreaking as the hype would lead you to believe. I personally wished that there had been a _lot_ more Hit Girl (she was awesome, but very much a supporting character) and I loved the way Nic Cage played Big Daddy (taking the piss off Bales' Bat-voice is _always_ a good thing). I can see how it's setting itself up for sequels, and I wouldn't say no, but it's a very small world with a limited focus. it'll be interesing to see if it makes enough money to follow itself up, since my theatre was very sparsely attended.
also, I am peeved that "Death at a Funeral" is only playing in Kingston, although I suppose that will give me an excuse to go to Costco.
srsly, so tired. might have to watch Lois be awesome in bed. ahahahah, me watching in _my_ bed, sadly. :D