yeah. I hate myself. I hope either Nathan or Peter get killed this ep, so I can stop watching. or both of them! even better.
I actually didn't hate Zombie Boy's vo. huh.
oh Christ Nathan. what the hell? a Skrull took over your body didn't it? and of course Peter won't shoot you. but he will deck you. because that'll have an effect for ten minutes.
Ma is working with HRG and Clairebear and biomom. that's not a scary quartet. of course, Zombie Boy is trapping them in. to do nothing. because nothing ever happens on this show. yadda yadda yadda narrative whatevs. unless he makes them Biggest Game each other, which would sort of rock, but they're all lame and would probs just shoot themselves instead of each other.
see my biggest problem this season is I don't understand the point of anything. I know I missed a few eps, but why is Matt in love with girl!Flash? because he saw the future and decided that free will was for wusses? why are Nathan and Peter not brothers anymore? two episodes ago they loved each other like Petrellis, and now Nathan's lost his mind and Peter's. . .exactly the same. why am I supposed to care about anyone when the cool characters are killed off and everyone boring lives on and on and on? I'm starting to get bored by fucking HRG, and that shit is just wrong.
okay random black dude kills Nathan's flunky, and Ando injects himself to become a time traveller. I'm still convinced everyone on this show is a Skrull.
stuff is happening. there's commercials. I'm up to 18,000,000 on Astro Pop!
Ando used to be the only person on this show who actually deserved a power. (well, okay, s1 Hiro, too, because he enjoyed it so much.) now? I just feel sorry that they're giving him one, because apparently having powers sucks out all your personality.
oh hey sociopathic puppet dude vs. Zombie Boy. that wasn't interesting. although yay for knocking out biomom. oh hey, pumping her full of adrenaline is actually _interesting_. hmmm.
can I just say something, though? remember when Syndrome gets caught narrating and Mr. Incredible nearly knocks him out? THERE'S A REASON THEY MADE FUN OF HIM FOR THAT, SHOW, GOD. TELL ZOMBIE BOY TO SHUT THE FUCK UP AND JUST KILL PEOPLE, GOD.
pontificate, Nathan! that always wins. or gets you punched in the face until your girlfriend comes to save you. oh, and random black dude is dead of freeze.
surprisingly, HRG and biomom got out of the cage.
okay, Ando actually ended up with a cool power! go Ando. and going back in time results in moar Sulu, which is always good.
I still want to know how Nathan ended up a total sociopath within the space of one episode, though.
and now Nathan is beating the crap out of Peter. because that makes sense.
and Peter got his powers back! everyone who is surprised in any way by this development, go kill yourself now, because you are actually too clueless to breathe on your own.
torture Ma, Zombie Boy.
DUDE CLAIRE! STABBY! AWESOME! yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay. I can't believe she actually took out Zombie Boy. but, yeah, HRG is right, let biomom die.
so Peter saved Nathan because he loves him, but Nathan is evil and hates Peter and I don't even understand this show anymore at all. I just don't understand. and I don't think it matters, either.
sigh. bye, show. it was nice knowing you, but I think that my Monday nights have freed up significantly from now on.