Christmas Holidays are coming up!!

Dec 07, 2006 13:55

Well it is that time of year again. Where shopping malls get hectic, sometime grumpy people gives you dirty look for taking the last items on the shelve. Lol, well ... not literary.  Honestly, I haven't even started my christmas shopping yet and I should get right to it, there isn't much time left. we are mid-way to christmas. BUT I want to wait until I get my next pay cheque THEN I can go out on a shopping spree ... except for people to put under their christmas tree. hehe. Let see who I am giving presents to:

1. Jacel
2. Graeme
3. Chels
4. Michelle
5. Kissy
6. Ranjit ( Although I already bought her present *Cheers* ^^; )
7. My sister
8. Dan (from California)
9. My mom
10. Maybe my dad ..... *glares*
11. [ insert name ] <---------- LOL!!  XD

Those are the list of people I am getting presents for, and list may get bigger.

The Three Days Grace concert was absolutely awesome. I enjoyed the concert very much. The shitty part was that it snowed on that day. I had troubles finding a way getting there, but I found out that the bus were running but maybe delayed because of the damn snow. However, I do like snows, but not when you have to walk in it and you don't have any snow boots. Kissanya and I took the bus to the Save on Food Memorial Arena, but we had to walk there first, so while we were walking, our feet was soaked in the snow, also my feet were freezing. HOW DISGUSTING!! lol. The funny thing was, I took off my shoe in the arena, hahah. Shhh ... no one needs to know. *shifty eyes*

Today is Thursday, and this week is my last week of class before winter break. ^_^ However, next week is exam week, and our law class have exams on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Monday. That means I have a lot of studying to do over the weekend and during the week when I don't have exams. I can't wait to get the exams over with so I can work full-time and make some money ^^;  not that money is my number one priority, but I need money for my next semester's tutition. I am also planning to hang out with my friend (and obviously the ones I haven't hung out with for SO long) during the winter break. We'll see how things goes. Sometime my plans doesn't as planned, lol.

One of my friend's birthday is coming up in two weeks on Monday, and I am going to hang out with her and her friends after my last exam on Monday. I still need to get her something, and I should do it this weekend before I start studying for my exams. Man her and I haven't hung out in so long, and I miss her and her silliness, lol. Don't worry there is maturity in there as well.  I can't wait to see her. ^_^

I definately have to do a lot of things this month. Especially get presents and plans someone's birthday as well. Plus i find it that there is a lot of my friend's have birthdays on this month. lol. For example, Chels, Kissanya, Bjorn,  and Resier. Heh, I guess that isn't too many but I guess when I look at my calendarand I see their name on the dates of their birthday, I'm like " WHOA!" heheh.

Anyways, I got to get off and get going to my last class before I go home.
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