Today I bring two femslashy sketchy sketchiness! I finally managed to get to my mom's scanner without her or my dad being around. I have mad scanner ninja skills.
Ok, first off, from Earth-63 I bring you RicStar femslash, done as a stocking stuffer for settiai (...I don't know how to do that thing where you link to the journal in the user's name), from her awesome prompt in the RicStar Holiday fic exchange. (I'm not very happy with how 'Star turned out. Or with Julia's boobs. Don't look at them too closely.) Also, DRAWING KISSING IS HARD so I ended up going for an about-to-kiss instead. It didn't turn out much better, but at least their mouths don't look like soul-sucking death machines. Anymore. >___> That is why there is so much gray around their faces. By the time I was done, I'd erased so many times that the grey just wouldn't go away anymore.
But, whatever, who cares. Happy girl kissing, yay! :D (Deadpool may or may not be looking from outside their window.
And secondly, here is this Kitty/Karma pic I did for the Marvel Kink Meme. You can't go wrong with sexy librarians. :3 Now, see, Shan's boobs I am happy with. You're welcome to look at them as closely as you wish. Also, drawing lacy bras is fun! :D (...I'm not sure how the ratings system works. Should I post this under " adult concepts" even if it's just the link? ·__·)
Well, that's it for now. I've calmed my urges to draw girls kissing girls for a while, at least. Let's see how long THAT lasts xD