i am so tired right now i will probably regret and feel the strong urge to delete anything i type. right now is a new year and it's taking me a few hours / days to adjust. i would get excited but i always give up on everything so fast (note: try harder). but just because: the year i lived in yesterday was filled with moving, mostly. i went to new york city at last and then took forever and a year maybe to get the pictures(above, below, and
here ) done (note: stop procrastinating and putting life off) (note: write this down somewhere) (also probably don't update while sick with headcold/no sleep). i changed schools and states and almost hair colors (no). i almost lost my virginity twice, both within this past week, and last night i had a terrible glass of wine. for the first time i had lips on mine when it became 2008 at last and then got as cheesy and i could and watched fireworks with him. i should learn to sleep more this year, and talk less, and listen more. god, the train was too loud tonight and now i have a headache.
(am i doing a good job convincing anyone reading this that i loved two thousand seven? because i really did and i want it back until i am done with it. i have emotional calluses beyond belief now, and a strong strong heart to go with them.)
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