(no subject)

Jul 12, 2007 23:47

everything is better with the lights low even if the bugs are eating your legs and the sparks eating your lungs; walking on an incline my shoes fell off and walking down hours later after i built a smoke screen, fire dream around me i stumbled but that's to be expected, no? start from the end when your car was going too fast by ten over the legal limit with him flashing his almost to the filter next to us and our breath evident with the wind and the embers we burned when the wind stole it all. we had the ninties blasting from the speakers and the tinny glory sounds of our laughter and shrieks with us down the road around the corners, the stop signs stop lights. i told you about my kaleidescope of beliefs, my multicolored overthought way of thinking and you agreed with my walking hypocrisy, my liberal catholicism. the industrial pond i wanted to bathe me as gross as that is, i said what beauty was created whether directly through the big bang when we started or the hands of others already alive and ready to pollute. we took the long way so as to save everything, like 'i can get another three out of this' and burn my tongue off just watch you'll love it. walking backwards still-- the incline was tough when reversed and my shoe got caught for sure. your five hundred dollar fine's anonymous to the taxman; our plastic hidden with thorns just like our light hid with the stars and those clouds i said reminded me of a storm in the best way and your strength. keep on keeping on.

i came home to an emptying house and my lungs and heart and eyes on fire;
i said this is the best way for the ashes to fly and the sparks to shine forever.
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