apparently, my gender is ... CONFUSED.
You Are 30% Boyish and 70% Girlish
Even if you're not a girl, you're very feminine.
You're in touch with your feelings, and your heart rules you.
A bit of a emotional roller coaster, one moment you're up and the next you're down.
But no matter what, you try to be as cute and perky as possible.
How Boyish or Girlish Are You? Your Brain is 46.67% Female, 53.33% Male
Your brain is a healthy mix of male and female
You are both sensitive and savvy
Rational and reasonable, you tend to keep level headed
But you also tend to wear your heart on your sleeve
What Gender is Your Brain? FYI,
hardrockgrrl Your Ideal Relationship is Serious Dating
You're not ready to go walking down the aisle.
But you may be ready in a couple of years.
You prefer to date one on one, with a commitment.
And while chemistry is important, so is compatibility.
What's Your Ideal Relationship? Just what i needed to hear!!!
Your Daddy Is OJ
What You Call Him: Dada
Why You Love Him: He gives good spankings
Who's Your Daddy? This was a "special' quiz - the designer was probably about 12. seriously.
Take the quiz:
"Are you In LOVE??"
Yes u do love them
You did pretty damn good (this is where i am with my boyfriends) Yes you do love him but not really fully if u want to be truly in love you will die for them never cheat never think he is cheating.....and things like that your doing good!