Oct 03, 2005 11:03
New words added to merriam webster. come ON. Chick Flick!? BRAIN FREEZE!? Isnt that something that 7-11 coined? Help us.
1 amuse-bouche (noun) 1984 : a small complimentary appetizer offered at some restaurants
2 battle dress uniform (noun) 1982 : a military uniform for field service
3 bikini wax (noun) 1985 : a procedure for removing pubic hair from the skin near the edge of the bottom half of a bikini by applying hot wax, covering the wax with a cloth to which the wax and hair adhere, and then peeling it off quickly
4 brain freeze (noun) 1991 : a sudden shooting pain in the head caused by ingesting very cold food (as ice cream) or drink
5 chick flick (noun) 1988 : a motion picture intended to appeal esp. to women
6 civil union (noun) 1992 : the legal status that ensures to same-sex couples specified rights and responsibilities of married couples
7 cybrarian (noun) 1992 : a person whose job is to find, collect, and manage information that is available on the World Wide Web
8 DHS (abbreviation) : Department of Homeland Security
9 hazmat (noun) 1980 : a material (as flammable or poisonous material) that would be a danger to life or to the environment if released without precautions
10 hospitalist (noun) 1996 : a physician who specializes in treating hospitalized patients of other physicians in order to minimize the number of hospital visits by other physicians
11 metadata (noun) 1983 : data that provides information about other data
12 otology (noun) 1842 : a science that deals with the ear and its diseases
13 retronym (noun) 1980 : a term consisting of a noun and a modifier which specifies the original meaning of the noun ["film camera" is a ~]
14 SARS (noun) [severe acute respiratory syndrome] 2003 : a severe respiratory illness that is caused by a coronavirus (genus Coronavirus), is transmitted esp. by contact with infectious material (as respiratory droplets), and is marked by fever, headache, body aches, a dry cough, hypoxia, and usu. pneumonia
15 steganography (noun) 1985 1 archaic : cryptography 2 : the art or practice of concealing a message, image, or file within another message, image, or file
16 tide pool (noun) 1853 : a pool of salt water left (as in a rock basin) by an ebbing tide-called also tidal pool
17 Wi-Fi (certification mark) -used to certify the interoperability of wireless computer networking devices
18 zaibatsu (noun) 1947 : a powerful financial and industrial conglomerate of Japan