personally i think you have pretty hair that is long and nice, and looks good even when you don't really style it.
but more than that i think you should cut it if you want to. its only hair, it will grow back (even if it will take a long time to get that long again). but i think its better to regret cutting one's hair than to regret NOT cutting one's hair.
but, don't cut it if you're just doing it becuase of an existential crises, becuase it really won't fix anything anyhow.
but if you feel like cutting it, but aren't even sure why (and aren't having a crises of the sort mentioned above), then i think you should definitely cut it, and should do so before sandy island, so i get to see the results!
why thank you. my friend made it for me. she did this cool meme thing around christmas where if you left your name, she'd make an icon based on one of your interests. and one of my interests is ibuprofen, i take lots of ibuprofen. this friend actually also knows lucy the uni
personally i think you have pretty hair that is long and nice, and looks good even when you don't really style it.
but more than that i think you should cut it if you want to. its only hair, it will grow back (even if it will take a long time to get that long again). but i think its better to regret cutting one's hair than to regret NOT cutting one's hair.
but, don't cut it if you're just doing it becuase of an existential crises, becuase it really won't fix anything anyhow.
but if you feel like cutting it, but aren't even sure why (and aren't having a crises of the sort mentioned above), then i think you should definitely cut it, and should do so before sandy island, so i get to see the results!
-becky's friend lindsay
Have not seen you long? Hrm. Anyway, I think I will friend you if that is OK.
How go things?
things are going better than they have perhaps ever gone before in my life.
i SURE WILL be in your Michael Jackson dance....i'd love to
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