hurray for halloween

Oct 31, 2005 12:15

went to bams party last night. it was a bit surreal. the night started off with jess's acrabatic feat of amazment. the girl slid down the side of the ramp. but she did it in a way that her ass didn't touch the ground once. it was truley amazing. after a good laugh we walked into the party. jess found April and introduced us. i must say that women is absolutley adorable. all night all she was doing was trying to pawn food off on people, and then she would go make more. so april gave us a tour of the house, which was beutiful. we almost lost jess to the curtians. aparently she likes to cocoon herself in soft velvety fabric. when we recovered her, we ran to the beer. everyone loves free beer. so after a few beers we began to relax, and in other words begain to make fun of everyone else. i must say rachel is a funny funny gurl. not to mention her laugh could be heard from across the house. jess had some make out issues. i met batman. then i undressed batman...twice. appernently the makers of that costume didn't expect anyone to pee out of it. im kind of glad i got to meet him, regardless of the reason. he was really nice, and retard me forgot to get a number. so if anyone knows of a dennis that is an architech in westchester, give me a holler. the night ended too soon and we all went to tom jones, cause we're all delco at heart.
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