1. Will & Grace
2. watermelon bubble gum
3. water
4. women's health topics
5. walks
6. wind that smells that fresh cut grass
7. wondering what my children will look like
8. washing my feet in smelly good stuff
9. watching Untold Stories of the ER
10. wine
I was wrong about my surgery. He said they were all booked up until New Year's Day. Not that my surgery could be done on that day. The next day he has available in January is the 22nd! What can I do? I don't want to wait that long to have this taken out. My right side is hurting now too. I called today and told the nurse, but she just said to take ibuprofen until tomorrow and if it's not gone, to call back. I wanted to say, It hasn't gone away for the past seven months you stupid bitch, what makes you think it will now?. But I just hung up. He told me to call if I have any new pain. I did...and what was the point? I'm calling tomorrow though. I can't do this. I feel like a big mistake is being made by waiting this long to do this surgery. I don't understand HOW you can just leave a mass on someone's ovary for that long. It doesn't seem safe to me and I'm scared. I don't know what to say though, to convince them of that. It's like they look at my age and immediately forget any real concerns. They are already thinking they might have to take part of my ovary! Why is that not urgent to them? Because it isn't their wife or daughter?
I just want this to be over.