Owen Harper IS Sir Toby Belch

Dec 14, 2008 18:13

Hi lovelies! ♥

I'm feeling quite a bit better today. The sore throat that was killing me last night's mostly gone now (thank fuck, I was worried it was something worse for a bit there, saves me a trip to the Doctors). I have a tickly cough now though, but at least I can eat and drink without pain! =D

This morning I was really suddenly insanely bored of my layout. So I've changed it. May not be changed for very long though, just till I find something better or explodeyy finishes the layout she said she would make me. Looking forward to that, babes. No hurry. And thanks again.

Also, thestopwatch is go for the Twelve Days of Janto (urgh, I hate this word...anyway! Abby knows my hate of Janto) and there've already been some awesome fics - and it's only the first day! =D Go check them out if you haven't yet guys. I know it's a lot of fic to get through in a day (four or five fics posted daily) but I shall be going through and picking out my favourites every day.

So, the first one to have caught my eye is Shakeswood (aka , A Torchwood Twelfth Night). The story of Twelfth Night with the characters of Torchwood. And it's fucking brilliant. It's a story in four parts - 22,960 words in total.

Owen as Sir Toby (fucking win!), Toshiko as Maria, Captain John Hart as the sea captain who's a bit of a criminal, the Doctor as Olivia which is fucking brilliant. I know, I know, the Doc as Olivia. But it's so insane that it's brilliant! And Saxon is Malvolio - and he's so Olivia's bitch, which makes Saxon the Doc's bitch, yayz! Jack is Orsino of course, and Ianto is Viola (ny favourite character in the play).  Also, yay Gwen as Sebastian. Of course this does lead to Doctor/Gwen...I think I've discovered a new crack fave pairing, haha.

Those who don't know the story, it's all about gender swapping. Ianto is seperated from Gwen (his twin sister) in a shipwreck. Ianto finds his way to the Duchy of Cardiff, where he disguises himself as a woman (and when he does, he looks an awful lot like Gwen, which causes confusion later) in order to work as a servant to Jack (he disguises himself as a woman as he believes Jack is only attracted to men, he wants to be unnoticed). Jack is in love with John (the Doctor, haha) who has no interest in return. Jack and Ianto (as Viola) have some discussions about love and loss, and Jack sends Ianto to speak to John for him. And of course, John promptly falls in love with Ianto (as Viola). Then there is kissing. And Gwen turns up. And Sir Owen, Toshiko and Mickey the clown (ahahaha) trick Saxon into thinking his love for John is requited. Then madness ensues. And a happy ending of course. It's a brilliant story, and it works really well with the Torchwood characters (and the Doctor of course).

Anyway, go read this fic - because it's really fun, and Twelfth Night is an awesome story. Definitely my favourite play. I may need to watch my favourite adaptation of it later (the one with Helena Bonham Carter as Olivia) now. It's brill you guys! This story has filled me with squee in my sickness.

squee, recs: twelve days of janto, ill

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