John Barrowman Bluewater Signing Picspam and Report

Nov 27, 2008 21:29

Hi my lovelies!


Read my report and see my photos under the cut. I actually got some rather good ones, considering I kept getting bumped out the way by people. Seriously guys, feel free to manhandle me..but ask first.

Well, got there, met Clara Claire aka mizzclara. Yay, her mum bought her a huge rubber duck from a nearby shop. Clara wasn't allowed to see but I did! AHAHAHA! =D This giant duck is awesome, you guys. Anyway, I failed at UK geography (and common sense) as usual, we sat on the floor like disgusting bastards, and I re-applied my mascara. Haha. When Claire aka starlight30 arrived, we joined the queue - over by the slippers (which had hidden support, yayz). Anyway, here is an example of the selection of slippers.

Heee! Anyway, I was proper squashed up against these slippers, especially when a couple of Clara Claire's friends joined us. We were standing around waiting eagerly for John as it got to 6. The lift was right in front of exactly six o' clock, the doors opened and we were greeted old lady. We were all excited for a few seconds that it might've been John, haha! Then there were shouts and screams, we look up, and there's John and his entourage coming down the escalator. John waved at us all and showed us his bum. He looked gorgeous by the way SQUEEEE. Then the queue finally started moving! Yay!

Yay rack of John! John was just to the left of here, we could see the back of his head. Yay!

Squeeee! He was just signing the albums as well. Nothing else, this made Clara Claire sad a little bit.

This lovely picture was at the front of the queue. Pretty big, so naturally, I had to photograph it.

Yay gorgeous!

By this time, I'd taken a few pictures of John already, since he was right in front of us. Here are the best of them:

Hahaaha, is this the HE TOUCHED YOU WITH HIS BACK guy? Lolz evil eyes. I have no idea who all these people are.

So yay, I got to John, finally! =D I talked like a madwoman, didn't let the poor bastard get a word in. Went a little something like this!

John: Hi, Lucy. You alright?
Me: Great! How are you?
John: Great (or something like this, the mind it is blank).
Me: My friend Ruth (my lovely velvetfascism) says 'hi' - she couldn't be here. But we're both gonna be front row at your concert in Cardiff!
John: Really?
Me: Yep. Really looking forward to it! It'll be my first concert as well.
John. Oh, good way to break you in. *hands me my signed CD*
Me: Byeee! Thanks! =D

The realllly tall dude took this photo of John signing my CD booklet. =D He took some of me jabbering away as well, but I look like shit so I won't post those.

Jeez, I was attacked by the nervous talk. Anyway, after we all got our bits (ahaa) signed, we hung around to grab some more pictures.

Haha! This one's kinda cute actually. Louise just informed me that this is kind of like the hot house scene. So imagine Jack hiding behind the flowers, peeking through like this - naked of course. OMG SEXY IMAGE.

Lovely Claire standing next to the sign outside M&S. Clara Claire, her mum and friends had gone by now so it was just Claire and I. I dragged the poor girl to the big duck shop, then Clinton's Cards. Then we met with my parents, who shook Claire's hand - like omg you guys, this iz not cool. Then my mum proceeded to ask why we had crushes on a gay man, because according to her it's pointless. Like we'd be able to nab him if he was straight? Jeez, mother. Anyway, then Claire went, and we drove home.

My loot! Yayz! =D

Love you guys! =D

squee, john barrowman, picspam

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