Okay, here's the spoilery post of squee I promised you on twitter a couple of hours ago :p
OMGGGGGG GWEN IS PREGNANT!!! Her reaction was totes adorable!! <3 And Jack! He shouted 'IANTO! WE'RE HAVING A BABY!' lolz!
There was sooo much Jack/Ianto goodness. The jist of is that Jack's being a bit distant and saying he doesn't like the term couple but Ianto's feeling overwhelmed that other people are seeing them as a couple. Like, Jack mentions how much he hates the term and Ianto just goes along with it, saying quietly that he doesn't like it either. There's a really cute moment where Ianto asks Jack if he died (on his adventures with Hot Doctor :p), Jack says yeah and Ianto gives him a hug. Awwwww <3
AND OMG THE KISSSSS! Basically, it's just how I imagined: Jack pushing (he proper has to manhandle him to force him to leave) Ianto onto the lift, pulling him down and snogging his face off. It was rly hot <3
We didn't see a lot of Rhys but what we saw was fucking hilarious as always =D He doesn't know about the pregnancy yet, because the guys only just found out about a minute before the Hub exploded.
Also...Hot Doctor was kind of working for Johnson and the bad guys, trying to infiltrate Torchwood - but the plan has to speed up so it's kind of abandoned and Hot Doctor lures Jack to the hospital and shoots him in the back. Really unexpected. Anyway, Hot Doctor ends up being shot by Johnson. Turns out that Johnson's put a bomb inside Jack. So yeah, Jack is like a weapon.
Also, Ianto's sister is amazing. She's all asking Ianto about him and Jack - Ianto makes her promise not to tell anyone, then his brother in law comes in and says 'HI GAYBOY!' Lolz!
Oh, and Rusty was there! And John in his cast, bless him! No Kai or Gareth.
If anyone wants to ask me anything, fire away =D I'm here to answer alllll.