Doctor Who Top Five Meme/Picspam

May 04, 2009 19:12

Hi lovelies ♥

Because I was bored (and realising last night how much I bloody adore 42 with Katherine) I've made my own meme again. Because my journal obviously needs more Doctor Who.

So, make an entry in your journal and tell me (and everyone else) what your five favourite Doctor Who episodes (plus one guilty pleasure episode, because we all have one ;) hehe) are - and spread the Doctor Who love! I've added pictures with mine, because that's just how I roll, but you don't have to.

Mine aren't in any particular order, btw.


The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances

These episodes are just incredible, because they still give me goosebumps when I rewatch them (every time)and it kind of makes me tear up at the end (and you know me, I didn't even cry during Exit Wounds). Nancy's amazing and OMG JACK! And also, Nine is just fantastic.


The Girl in the Fireplace

Okay, this is my favourite episode. Reinette's just awesome - she's my favourite minor character (guest character? I dunno :p) of New Who and her kiss with Ten is just the hottest thing ever. And he kisses with tongue, who knew? Haha. The end's really sad, and you can tell from the look on Ten's face that she really meant a lot to him despite the fact he didn't know her long. And he so invited her to be a companion, just timey wimey got in the way. And I really love the way they've combined past and future in this episode. All the scenes set in the past are stunningly gorgeous. The costumes! ♥



Squeee! I love this episode! It doesn't seem to get much love, but Katherine and I are totally behind it ;) hehe. I love love love Riley and Martha. Martha in general is just win in this episode (and I've thought that from the first time I saw it, even when I didn't like Martha as much as I do now) and her scenes with Riley in the pod are really sweet. The bit where he pulls her close and kisses her forehead just melts me (see what I did there?). Ten's fab in this episode as well, especially in the scenes where he's being possessed by that demon sun thing. And Martha and Riley kiss at the end, awww yay! I'm so sentimental :p hehe.



Blink's just great. Scary, timey wimey and really, really sweet as well as kind of brutal. Also, Sally, she's fabulous. Kathy and Billy's stories are so bittersweet, especially Billy's. I really liked him and Sally, they were really cute. And that line about it being the same rain, guh! And also, this episode's just really beautiful to look at.


The Unicorn and the Wasp

I personally believe that this episode is the funniest, hands down. Ten and Donna are so win - and so are Roger and Davenport, they're adorable! And so sad! The 'tell me there's no Noddy' conversation is clearly the funniest thing in the world. I nearly died with lulz just looking at the screencaps. This one's almost a guilty pleasure episode though, because the giant wasp thing's really shit. Srsly.

And this is where I embarass myself.......

Guilty Pleasure

The Doctor's Daughter

Because, let's face it, the episode in general is really not that good. I find it more endearing :p hehe. I love this episode for Martha mostly. Martha and the Hath, because she's so fucking adorable with her little Hath friend that I can barely handle it. Just awwww! Even back when I didn't like Martha as much in general, I loved her in this episode. True fact. It's really kind of ridiculous how much I love these scenes.

So, now I wanna see your posts ;)

meme, doctor who, picspam

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