Title: Misconceptions
lucy_lupinDedicated to: My muses
Set: Various
Characters: Various
Pairing: Five different pairings, four interhouse.
Genre: General/drama/romance
Rating: Ranging from PG to PG-13
Word Count: 273 to 499
Disclaimer: I own nothing. My muses, however, pwn me.
Summary: Five anonymous couples, in chronological order from the Trio's
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While I'm here, I just thought I'd say - I'd still like to join hogwarts_blogs (we had a conversation about this a loooong time ago but I lost track of it), especially since my RPGs have been dead-ish lately.
I'd love you to join. I did leave a comment in one entry asking if you re still interested, but I guess you missed it. The existing players are having a blast but it would be good to have someone new in to generate more plottage and character interactions. I have to go to bed know but you have gmail IM me tomorrow sometme [hayley.mitchell @ gmail.com] and we can discuss potential characters and the like.
There was a long stretch in the summer where I wasn't reading/replying to LJ comments, so I might have missed it. But I'm definitely still interested and will email you or possibly gmail IM you, if I can figure out how... I do have Google Talk somewhere on this computer.
And yes, you were right about the third pairing ;)
Being identical twins, they'd also have the same icons. I can give you the link of where I got mine from, and ask someone better at that sort of thing to change background colours, etc, so they look slightly different.
Another Ravenclaw girl would be good (it seems to be the in thing to take Ravenclaws at the moment). We have an existing Ravenclaw seventh year called Lisa Turpin that I have the password for since the player gave her up. Since she hasn't updated in about seven weeks though, feel free to "reboot" her. The player also says she can email more Elisa Dushku icons if the next player wanted to continue using her.
There are also two other characters who I have the passwords for: Romilda Vane and Harry Potter.
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