Oct 21, 2013 05:52
Well, after another week from hell at work, I had a great weekend. Saturday, daughter was taking pics of a id for his birthday at the park so the Grand daughter and I tagged along and went to play at the playground. She's very outgoing with other kids and usually finds someone to play with. There weren't many people there and I don't understand why, it was a beautiful day and we won't be getting many more like that this year. That afternoon we went to the haunted halls at the school and totally unplanned we ran into the neighbors and went thru the haunted rooms with them. The GD was thrilled since she's an only child and I'm often her playmate. It was a fund raiser(can of food for admission) and Sunday we got a call that she won one of the raffle baskets. Suday after noon was a trip to another park where she played and I actually got a little time to read. Then the pumpkin carving.
Now I have a big bowl of pumpkin seeds waiting for me to roast them later tonight.
Hope you all enjoyed your weekends as well
Crosss posted