Series finale part 2 : GG, NCIS :LA, Criminal Minds & Supernatural

May 21, 2012 16:52

So it's the time of season finales. I'll post my thoughts as I'm viewing them. So if you haven't seen them yet, move away.

Gossip Girl

Predictable. I admit I was hoping for a Dair finale even though I knew that wouldn’t happen.

I feel like I’ve seen this end several times already. Ok this time it’s Blair chasing Chuck but for me, even they love each other, they’re a toxic couple. Can’t imagine them truly happy.

Also: why the writers needed to include Georgina? I don’t like Dan working with her. I’m disappointed by this and maybe hoping he would show more maturity than writing “the truth about the Upper East Side” with her help.

Goodbye Serena, I won’t miss you.


The final was quite action packed. Really liked it and I’m loving that the big baddie was Christophe(r) Lambert.

The deaths were anticlimactic. I don’t remember who Renko was (for which storyline was he important?). I kind of liked disliking Hunter. I like watching antagonist characters interact and she had some great scenes with Callen. The writers could have done more with her.

I know that Callen is supposed to be the hero of NCIS:LA but I wish we’d have finale centered around another character.  Quite like where his storyline ended this year.

I hope that TPTB will find a way to bring Hetty back. Without her it won’t be the same show.

Criminal Minds

I love this finale, maybe my favorite since the beginning of the show.

So many good things to say that I don’t really know where to start…

I absolutely love seeing the BAU family outside a case. I can perfectly imagine Garcia & Reid going to a convention. I loved her cosplay. Was sad to realize that she and Kevin had broken up. The writer MUST fix that next year. They’re meant for each other !

I really enjoyed the building tension during the bank robbery. Tricia Helfer played well the creepy character. Some of her scenes made me shiver.

I liked that the extended BAU family had all a part to play in this case. I really like Will, so was happy to see him again. I think Josh Stewart and AJ Cook have a good on screen chemistry so it’s always great to see them together. I loved how JJ was battling Morgan to stop Will to go inside. Nice to see her fight for her loved ones. And what a badass mom!
I really enjoyed Will and Prentiss’ scene. Loving how she put the puzzle together to save his life.

Rossi, you’re sneaky. I think it was sweet of him to organize JJ and Will’s wedding in his back yard. Cuddle for bringing JJ’s mom. The dress was beautiful.

What a cute scene between Henry and his godfather Reid. Would have love to see Henry and Jack playing together. (AJ Cook’s son is so cute!)

I also liked that Anderson was part of the wedding as his character is part of the bullpen since the beginning.

The end was bittersweet. It was one of the rare moments of joy in the show but I kept crying the whole time because It was Prentiss’ last scene with the BAU. I really wish we had a goodbye scene between her and Reid. It was missing as I feel like he was the most damaged by her “death”.

The only downside for me : not enough Spencer Reid.


I’m still wondering if I liked the finale or not. But as usual loved "The Road so Far".

Some part parts were really good and some felt like déjà vu.

Bobby’s death was anticlimactic but it was well done as we were seeing the boys reaction & not his ghost bursting into flames.

Crowley & Dick writing the contract made me snicker. Quite enjoyed it but I was sure that Crowley would give his blood as Canada is too small for the King of Hell.

The new Cas made me smile at first but at the end wanted to punch him. You don’t leave your friend alone in Purgatory. That scene reminded of season 3 and Dean in hell. That end has already been done.
Also you’d think a hunter as experimented as Dean would have run when Dick started to send waves around him while dying!

Baby’s Back.
Only to throw her against the Sugrocorp sign.
Dean let Meg drives his Baby 0_o

Sam is well and truly alone.

Hope that Jeremy Craver will quickly find a way to bring the boys back together. I’m quite excited about him becoming the showrunner as I always loved his episodes.

paget brewster, season finale, rant, criminal minds, tv shows, review, impala, supernatural, aj cook, ncis:la

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