Apr 22, 2007 07:39
I work weekends again. Which means I get to work almost an hour before open (otherwise it'd be ten minutes late) and sit on the steps and read. And smoke. I thought I'd write more, but I just end up wanting to read. Today Kathy showed up super early to pet sit and let me in to sit on the computer. So I've been sitting here in locked Metro Dog listening to all of the boarding dogs yelling at me. I'm guarding the fort.
But, yeah, I'm stoked and confused because now my weekend is during the week and I can get more done/watch better bad TV. I'm confused because I still can't fathom Friday being my Monday. I got too comfortable being a weekday worker.
My dad's birthday was the 19th. For the entire first half of the day I was all "gotta call, gotta call, gotta call." But, as you know, time difference. By the time it was an appropriate time to call, I was all wrapped up in helping set up for SSP's 4/20 show and got stoned and forgot. Then 4/20 I worked and had to scramble around with edgy pre-show Brett getting his ring attire all set up and stuff. I called and left a message two days after his birthday, and I feel like the worst daughter ever, but it really wasn't me being inconsiderate. He should really get a new birthday.
Brett is covered in welts from his hardcore match. Scott actually broke an either kendo stick or Singapore cane over Brett's head so that Brett could gig (term meaning cut) and bleed all over the stage. Brett is pretty much SSP's bleeder. When I woke up for work the next day Brett was passed out on the couch with his face still not cleaned off. He was bloody and smiling. His character is going to go crazy now...too many hits to the head.
Gotta go work.