hores flies and lully-bies

Aug 08, 2005 02:53

Not a whole lot of good happened today. Woke up, and my sister called me and told me to come up to camp. So I got dressed and went. Layed around and finished reading Harry Potter and the Prizoner of Azkiban (for like the 4th time) I'm reading them all over again, from book one to book six. I'm starting the 4th one now. Donny called me at camp and reminded me that there was a cookout at his dad's house. He always complains that I do nothing with his family (once seeing his family, one wouldn't blame me) but I figured I'd be nice and do it, even though I really didn't want to. So i get directions (and i'm terrible with directions. I have no idea where streets are or anything.) and I was going to meet him at walmart because if he tried to give me directions to his dad's house, i'd just get confused. So I venture out, end up making a wrong turn somewhere and end up right as his fathers house. Only I could be dumb enough ;) to do something like that. I wait in the car for over an hour for Donny to get out of work. (He told me before that he walked in while his dad was sleeping on the couch naked.. I was not letting that happen) Then when he finally gets there, we go in and find that his dad is sleeping, fully clothes, (thank God!) and that the cookout was much earlier and that all the food is gone. So then I just go to his moms house for a bit, realize that I feel like crap and come home to watch some Harry Potter (Chamber of Secrets was on Disney).

And now I am tired... but I don't have to be to work until Wednesday!!! PARTY!

Huggles and Kisses,

P.S. I'm having my college textbooks held at college for me, all used for $337.95. Much better than the $450 :)
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