Jan 31, 2013 17:31
I've mentioned a few times that one of the things that I really wonder about as far as anomalous experiences is concerned is a set of dreams I get regularly I call "future dreams." I've decided to begin posting about them as well, because as I finish posting the most dramatic and interesting of my abduction experiences, these dreams may help to fill in some potential blanks. Whether the dreams end up being true or not, they are certainly interesting-- maybe more so because in the last few years they are starting to line up to more than likely become true.
Future dreams are not the same as what I've been calling "psychic dreams" with certain markers I've come to recognize. Possible psychic dreams are symbolic, have to be interpreted, and take place a few days to a few months ahead of the event in question. What I call future dreams, on the other hand, are more like segments of time from the future that I'm remembering backwards or something. They are always of me doing something, and there are often people around me-- some of whom I dreamed about in my childhood that I have only met in my adulthood! These "memories out of time" feel as if they have already happened, maybe because I've dreamed about them so many times!
I began having these dreams during my childhood, even as early as 4 or 5. They were at their height from my early teens into my early 20s and then slowed down considerably. Now I may get 1 or 2 a year at most and its been this way for over 15 years. But for most of my life I received these types of dreams, over and over, on average about 2 a month. Certain themes and scenes are shown over and over again, and its rare to get a whole new scenario. When I do, its absolutely remarkable to me.
Rather than try to relate each and every repeating dream, I'm going to group them into theme groups that pretty much tell the same story.
First up-- the dreams I'll refer to as "hot in the dark" dreams. Given the recent uptick in global warming activity, it just seems so appropriate! Not to mention this is one of those sets of future dreams that seems very likely to come true.
This set of dreams occur in various places and life seems to be rolling along okay for the most part in many ways, but there are 2 major problems that everyone is dealing with and talking about. Its in the news, but its been going on a while and everyone seems resigned to the new reality of things. This seems to be the case in every future dream, really...
It may be early spring, late autumn, or even winter-- but its HOT out. Really hot. There's issues with the electric grid. Overuse. Under maintenance. Fuel shortages. High prices. In any event, there are rolling brown outs all the time. And black outs aren't exactly rare either. At first, people were outraged at the inconvenience of it all-- and when mandatory rationing became the law, there was even more bitching. But there wasn't much that could be done and people adjusted because they didn't have a choice. That included me of course.
For one thing, many businesses were closing during the hottest hours of the day, but staying open longer into the night hours -- because it seemed like everyone hid from the heat by day and came out at night. At night, windows and doors were thrown open and everyone seemed to hang outside. There was nothing to do, tech-wise, because the electric was often out. When it was on, everyone used their share of the rationing for fans and air conditioning, maybe catching a quick bit of news, and re-charging batteries for various small devices.
The scenes that were the most emotionally moving for me were all those evenings with people hanging outside. We were forced to turn to one another for entertainment because what the hell else are you going to do? It seemed normal during this time to know your neighbors. Things were scary, as life was in crisis, but in this sort of slow-motion way that seemed to lend an eerie cast to life in general.
A people once used to needing light in the dark seemed to be getting awfully used to going without light by night most of the time. Flashlights, candles, battery or kerosene lanterns-- were usually left for emergencies, and so dark voices spoke to dark voices night after night. A strange gift came from all those hot nights seeking relief outside... people rediscovered the art of conversation. There was worry, and inconvenience, and discomfort-- but there was also sharing and laughter and camraderie. I was continuously amazed at how, in the midst of all the chaos, I found myself with an increased sense of well-being as compared to better times in the past. It seemed as if there was a shared feeling of mission, of "we're all in this together" that made otherwise frightening realities not so bad.
One other nice consequence of these disruptions to electrical service. To conserve, street lights were turned off, and porch lights, and this fact-- combined with frequent blackouts-- meant that for the first time in decades, city and suburban dwellers could look up and see the stars. Finally, civilized people everywhere knew what the hell the "Milky Way" was and could see it easily in the night sky. Star-gazing became a favorite pass time for many people, who traded information about cosmic events that could be viewed while sitting or standing around outside just trying to keep cool.
The "hot in the dark" future dreams weren't so bad. I never regarded them as nightmares or anything, despite the dire news about both the weather and electrical service. I should mention that I remember knowing there were breaks in the hot weather sometimes and entire months where electrical service was almost normal, but people got used to conserving during those times and it didn't seem like life ever went back to what we consider normal (wasteful) use of electricity again for the duration of the rest of the future dream scenario.
I should also mention that these dreams were some of the first ones in the sequence of events shown in the dreams. They were an ongoing part of life, but later events would supersede the weather and disruption to service at the top levels of everyone's concern.
reality's fall,