Our Constitutional Republic Is In Serious Jeopardy

Jan 02, 2024 15:01

My first official post of the year can only center around one topic: How electing Trump for president a second time will mean America will become a fascist state and everything we've done for well over two centuries to uphold the constitution will be thrown into the trash bin.

Life as we know it will change forever. It already has, but there's still a chance to save something that at least sort of works before it's too late. Some people have been screaming from the rooftops about this for years (I'm one of them) but too many people are compliant or negligent or just plain fucking stupid or mired in personal resentment to wake up and realize that Trump is not the fucking answer. I'm hoping at least some of those people are just pretending and will vote differently in the privacy of the voting booth (or via mail.) But I know it's completely possible that something will happen to allow Trump to win or takeover via a coup, and then it will be too late and we will all suffer for at least several years...

I know a lot of people that would qualify for "concentration camps" -- I have a lot of freaky people as friends! Hell, being pagan and disabled could qualify me to face a premature death!

I've seen visions of a Nazi-like future in America since I was a child. I don't think the aliens told me that-- they don't care about our politics or institutions of power. Rather, my exposure to their technology, which involves shifting dimensional reality, gave me periods of time in which I was very, VERY psychic-- and I had premonitions of the future. Many came true. Most came at least CLOSE to being true, but something shifted to prevent them from manifesting, which means that the fascist future I've seen is NOT inevitable! I cling to that understanding of my own visions. If there is one time I don't want to be right, this is one of them!

It's going to be a close scrape at the very least, that much is clear. And even if Trump is not elected, what will happen with the third of our nation's population who are so angry and bitter that the doctrines of Nazis has become acceptable to them? I highly doubt they will go away. They may... for a while, but there are problems that neither political party are truly addressing that led us to this juncture, and I fear that more radical candidates may just come along. Trump, like Mussolini, showed them the way. Perhaps, worryingly, a new Hitler will step up and succeed where Trump failed. Trump's rampant egoism, ignorance, and shortsightedness is what prevented him from triumphing thus far, but someone with more intelligence, charisma, and savvy could easily do better than Trump.

And that's what scares me the most... The United States of America has always had it's issues. We're not perfect, and we've supported raping resources around the world to feed our voracious empire for over a century, and this included backing very evil men to run desperate nations. But--! We've also done some good, and limited our rapacious appetites at times and in places where other nations in our place would not. Internally, we were once the envy of the world, but the wealthiest conspired to change laws and create policies that benefited them at the expense of our middle class. But--! Again, elections and constitutional law has prevented this from being worse than it is. Without limitations, someone at the helm of this country with access to nuclear weapons and our massive military could wreak havoc on the lives of billions.

The next year of 2024 will be one of the most important in our history.

We've all been bludgeoned by the pandemic and climate change, and now the resentful reactions of people who crave scapegoats to blame it on are being encouraged to turn their bile towards the vulnerable minorities in our midst rather than upon the very few people who actually run the world-- massive multi-national corporations and their billionaire leaders. This is not a circumstance that is easily overcome! The natural world that we all depend upon to survive is collapsing and with it, so are we.

At it's heart, this is partially a resource war and a climate refugee issue. With eight billion people on a planet whose biosphere is under severe attack, we are massively overpopulated, and with everyone scrambling to find a safe place to live, those who are in fairly comfortable locations (politically and climatically) are finding themselves overrun with immigrants who are fleeing severe violence and extreme weather. Those who are okay for now are finding their way of life threatened when more and more people mean higher prices for housing and competition for jobs and they don't like it. (Full confession-- I'm one of those people. I don't like more and more people coming and crowding things. I want less people and a higher standard of living.) There is a reaction to having your way of life threatened-- that is what led to Trump even being possible. <-- This fact is something the supposed "progressive" leaders simply refuse to face honestly.

If you follow global news, this hard-right reaction to massive over-immigration from what we used to call "Third World Countries" and now "Underdeveloped Nations" is happening all over the place! Europe is seeing a resurgence of Neo-Nazis, and shameless, extreme-right leaders who were unthinkable in politics just a decade ago are more and more prevalent. If they start to bolster one another up, it gets even more difficult to remove them from power peacefully.

This year, the United States, who has been leader of the free world for nearly a century now, is facing it's first test in resisting extreme fascist leaders and policies. I sadly doubt it will be it's last. The current leadership, including the center-left, is simply too shocked to handle this very rapid change of tone in it's electorate. While the leaders on the right sleepwalk into compliant partnership with extremists, the left seem unable to meet the threat to our democracy with any real impactful messaging.

The way politics have worked for decades has shifted and the aged leadership doesn't understand what's happening and won't accept that their own compliance with their wealthy sponsors is greatly to blame for it all. They don't grasp that people are struggling now to the point they're willing to do almost ANYTHING to have hope for a better future. A very large segment of our population has just had it with politics as usual, and we're never going back to how things have always been done. They have to shift and meet this entrenched bitterness headlong with real answers. Ultimately, they must rebel against their corporate sponsors if they want to prevent disaster.

Unfortunately, I'm certain they won't have the balls to give up on the old ways of doing things. And we'll all face the consequences for their lack of imagination and courage. 2024 is an ending, and a beginning-- regardless of how the presidential election goes.

On a related note: There is legislation all over the country that would require everyone to submit their identification for websites, and, as is often the case, tyranny creeps in on do-gooders feet! In order to protect children, adults will be forced to out themselves to every website they use. This means that in the case of a fascist government, my comments on this blog could very well get me killed someday. Should I be required to submit my I.D. in order to continue writing, I will be forced to abandon this blog.

However, until that happens, I will speak truth to power wherever as long as I can. I don't have a ton of readers, so it may not matter much. I write this for me, and any readers I have are a bonus, really. The reality facing us means that it may not be safe to have an anonymous blog for much longer, so I want to enjoy this privilege while I can.


politics, society, future

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