Finished Moving Into the Witches' Attic

May 10, 2023 12:51

I don't know what to do for that interview with Jim Perry! WHERE do I have it when the house is total chaos because we have guests? (AND I've been sick a lot AND Cat doesn't have the energy or motivation to sort through her shit.)

The best acoustics in the house are in that attic, and it's actually a really awesome space-- it's my favorite room in all of Heron Hold. So maybe we'll do the interview with me in that space. It's quiet and away from the rest of the crazy house and our guests.

SO--! I have spent the entire day moving things and re-organizing the entire attic! After I got the most basic things done 5 years ago when we moved in, I sort of crashed and didn't finish.

Today-- I finished.

I literally found my missing archive master lessons from my Morgana Wicca days (and which I need so I can re-do them for my new lesson program) and my relief was absolute! I wondered what happened to them-- if they got taken by someone at some point. But no, they were actually in a box labeled "Circle files" and shoved in a corner of the attic.

I pulled that out and used the new bookcase that was donated by Amara to re-organize my witchcraft books and I pulled out my Morgana doll and just basically DECORATED the HECK out of the whole space.

I put Cat's bookcase next to her alter because that side of the attic is north, which is her power direction. Whereas my power directions are west and south. I also re-organized her things to look much more tasteful, purposeful and pretty. You can organize a bunch of objects into a visual that is more aesthetically pleasing with just a little thought.

One problem I really had though was with Cat's huge pile of stuffed animals or "stuffies" as some call them. She wanted them in the attic, and I don't think they belong, but it IS her house, so... My solution was to put a large curtain up to hide most of them, and some other things we use in the attic, behind this large tie-dyed cloth motif of the sun and moon. It looks so much better! It's a cute little storage area now, with a lot of the holiday stuff we use for Sabbats, plus folding chairs and ladders and that type of thing.

I used another large blue cloth thing and tacked it to the ceiling of the little window niche where we often pow-wow together, especially during "special sessions" where we deep dive into discussions. There's a denim blue element to that space, thanks to Cat, so I just went with it.

NOW, finally-- I am moved in properly to the attic. Amara is donating another cabinet we can use against one wall, and I told Cat we should put shared or Circle stuff in and on top of that.

If it's not too hot tomorrow, the attic will be the perfect space to do our audio interview. Hopefully...

BUT I am exhausted!! I did most of the cleaning and moving while sitting on my butt. I asked Mike to help me vacuum the stairs leading up to the attic while I did the attic itself. We're so behind on cleaning, it's not even funny. But at least it won't be TOO horrific going through all of Cat's chaos to get to the now very nice and workable attic.

rants, goals, raves, home life

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