Blood Test Results Say I've Got An Autoimmune Disease

Apr 12, 2023 15:16

I've been sick most of my life, literally for 40 years at this point, and struggled to get an "official" diagnosis. What diagnosis I did get wasn't "strong" enough to be convincing because there was no positive/negative "stick test" to point to what was wrong.

That all changed this week!

I just went in to the doctor and had my normal blood tests, but I discussed my issues with SNAP coverage with my doctor, and she ordered extra tests for anything that could point to a chronic illness. Until now, I have had the fibro/myofacial pain syndrome/chronic fatigue syndrome trifecta of "hard to prove" and not much else, other than high blood pressure.

Now my blood test came back saying I was positive for an autoimmune disease, most likely either Lupus or Multiple Sclerosis! Now, it may seem weird that I'm celebrating this, except that I know I'm sick and have been for a long time, but no test (that I could afford) was agreeing with me, and any diagnosis I had was based on my reported symptoms, not on any extra tests. But my doctor asked when I got diagnosed, and it was over 20 years ago, I haven't really had any further tests since then. I guess she thought it wouldn't hurt to check again with much improved diagnostic tools!

And I have my PROOF, my stick test, that says I'm sick (though more tests are needed, including a brain scan for the MS) with something serious enough to keep my SNAP benefits, and even qualify for Disability without too much trouble. I've been freaking out wondering what the fuck I'm going to do to support myself, and here, at long last, I have something I can point to so they can't just... let me die in the streets. (Not that my friends would let that happen to me, but I don't like being a parasite, dammit!)

LATER: I just emailed with my doctor, and she says she thinks it's Lupus! She's recommending more tests with specialists! OMG... I can't believe it! A lifetime of being shunted to the side, and now I finally am being taken seriously!

More soon.

health, happy happenings

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