Ask yourself 9 questions, yoinked from
1. When were you the happiest?
I have few truly happy memories. Yet I LOVE being in or near nature. And I love feeling like a contributing member of a community who cares about me. Every happy memory I had contain those things.
Well... and having fun. Gaming. Adventuring during travel. Being silly with friends....
2. When were you the saddest?
Grief over a lost pet, or a lost marriage.
OR when I felt unloved and trapped in a no-win situation.
3. When were you the most proud?
Running my pagan group successfully and writing a great lesson program for it.
Helping friends out during a crisis and having it make a difference for the better.
4. When were you the most ashamed?
I have few moments of shame, I'm careful to not make mistakes that make me hate myself, but...
Leaving my sister to live in a trash pile with my mother for 20 years is at the top of any list!
5. How do I spend my extra free time?
I love reading, I love immersing myself in stories, I like some diversionary games.
When I have energy, I want to be outside in nature as much as possible.
When I have energy, I want to dance every single day, or swim, or hike.
6. Are you where you intended to be with the people in your life?
With some. With others I just gave up... although people do surprise me sometimes with being genuinely sorry that they wronged me in the past. I always want better, but I get tired of being the primary person to keep things going socially so often. It's nice to be approached instead sometimes. (Thank you Odyssey!)
7. What would kill your relationships and friendships?
What has killed them in the past: Broken trust. Betrayal. Malicious intentions.
8. If I could start over, what would I do different?
I would not marry Gerick, for many reasons. I should have pimped myself out to a much better man...
9. Why am I doing what I'm doing?
I'd like for my set of talents and skills and experiences to benefit others in some way, but I don't always think I can manage it. Still... I'm doing my best to leave the world a better place than I found it in my own tiny way.