Aug 06, 2021 22:46
I'm getting the headaches again. Migraines and sinus headaches-- and I guess another high pressure system is parking offshore and will be creating another heat wave late next week? So... I'm definitely seeing a pattern.
I'm now getting flares on headache days as well, and you can bet I'm just not up for much these days.
I kept up a cheerful attitude until recently. It's hard not to have a really sour attitude when fatigue and pain both set in and I just get nothing done. I'm a useless bag of flesh and bone and have no where I can go and nothing I can do. Arg!
However, I'm quickly reaching the point where I stop fighting it and getting frustrated and settle in for the long haul. My patience manifests once I stop resenting not having better health. I have to surrender to the reality and accept my limitations and adapt a little better.
migraine tracker,
flare tracker,