May 30, 2020 12:08
So-- I got a cluster headache, which is like a migraine, but more around the eye (right of course for me) and about 10 times worse. I only get them once every few years now, and have medications to treat them (as well as migraines) but it takes at least 3 days to come back from one.
And... Wow. America kind of went nuts in that time. Justifiably so-- I watched multiple videos of that sicko purposely killing George Floyd-- but I guess the whole "people are hungry and it's a pandemic" didn't really help, huh? That was horrifying to watch, as many of these types of police executions of people of color often are, but worse because it was so obviously deliberate and EVIL. Fun fact, the cop who kneed Floyd's neck (another 2 were kneeling on the man's BACK and suffocating him, which could be seen from another angle) also did security for the same club and they knew each other. That might bump the Murder 3 charge up to Murder 2.
Another blogger who comments frequently on here (and is also a friend) was predicting a summer of rage, and it's not hard to imagine. It's begun. Glad I live out a ways right about now, you know?
I've only been able to do very limited periods of time with screens since Wednesday. I've been pretty miserable and limited. It's weird to be in mostly darkness and silence and then emerge to all of this. Just wow...
I'll be doing some back posting, and I think I'm just about ready to finish my abduction memoirs. I'm so sorry I've been so out of it lately. I guess I've been building up my resilience, because facing those last few things from my 20s will be hard. I've decided to include my partial memories of being taken by quasi-military --I'm guessing private contractors hired by Deep State-- and interrogated and tortured. That's not a fun memory to share, and I wasn't sure I was going to include it, but now I'm thinking... yeah.
There are racist, sexist, rah-rah Americah dudes running around with weapons, drugs, and get-out-of-jail-free cards torturing citizens who were unfortunate enough to be victims of alien abduction and they scared the shit out of me...
... but they also pissed me off.
Remembering any of those encounters (and I think there were only 2 in my adulthood) is a massive "fuck you" to the jerks who counted on my not recalling their shit. The thing is, like my father, I WAKE UP while under those types of drugs. I can even have partial conscious memory. Enough to know what's going on at least part of the time hidden from view.
But I've avoided starting. I keep gearing up to share some of those things, and I keep hesitating. My most complete memories are from my 20s. It was a busy, busy time! There's also a couple more from my 30s I need to go into-- but, again, they're not pretty.
Oddly, I had some good encounters with aliens as well, but by far, the scariest, most traumatizing, were given to me by adult human men working for deep intelligence agencies of some sort. I'm glad I'm not routinely taken like some milab victims, no wonder so many are outright crazy. I would be, too...
I'll get back to my writing and sorry for the break. My brain decided to sabotage my life for a few days and I had no choice but to suffer along for the ride.
blog stuff,