May 22, 2006 23:30
W H O W A S T H E L A S T P E R S O N T H A T?
1. You hung out with?: Jack
2. Rode in a car with?: See question #1.
3. Went to the movies with?: Erich, for An American Haunting.
4. You went to the mall with?: Sarah, CJ, and Ben.
5. You went to dinner with?: See question #1 again.
6. Talk on the phone to?: Shawn <3
7. Made you laugh?: See above.
W O U L D Y O U R A T H E R?
1. Pierce your nose or tongue? Tongue. Nose rings are silly.
2. Be serious or be funny?: Depends on the situation, but funny I guess.
3. Drink whole or skim milk?: Neither. Soy, baby.
4. Die in a fire or drown?: Drown, for sure.
5. Spend time with your parents or enemies?: Parents. I <3 my daddy.
1. Flowers or candy? Depends. Flowers are a nice surprise, while candy is more comforting (especially chocolate).
2. Grey or black? Black.
3. Color or Black and white photos? Black and white.
4. Lust or love? Lust is nice, but love is better.
5. Sunrise or sunset?: Sunset. Getting up early sucks.
6. M&Ms or Skittles? Skittles.
7. Staying up late or waking up early?: Staying up late. I am a total night owl.
D O Y O U P R E F E R.
1. Sun or moon? Moon.
2. Winter or Fall? Fall.
3. Left or right? Left.
4. 10 acquaintances or two best friends? Two best friends.
5. Sunny or rainy? Depends on my mood and what I have planned for the day :p
6. Vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream? Vanilla definately.
A B O U T Y O U!
1. What time is it? 11:38 PM
2. First and middle Name? Beth Lauren
3. What do you want?: Overall, no fuckng idea at this point. I kind of want my friends to call me back when they are supposed to though.
4. Where do you want to live?: Somewhere I can have horses.
5. How many kids do you want?: Not sure if I can have/want kids, but 2 or less.
6. You want to get married?: Maybe someday.
7. Bad habits: Trying to make everyone happy, drinking.
8. Are you double jointed?: That is kind of personal ;)
9. Can you cross your eyes?: Yes
10. Do you make your bed daily?: No. Just going to mess it up again anyway.
1. Which shoe goes on first?: Never honestly paid attention.
2. Ever thrown a shoe at someone?: Probably :p
3. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?: Twirl
2. Have you ever eaten Spam? Hell no.
3. Favorite ice cream? SUPERMAN!! Or chocolate chip cookie dough or cookies n' cream.
4. How many kinds of cereal are in your cabinet?: Maybe 2 or 3.
5. Do you cook?: I love to cook, but I do not get to often.
6. Current mood?: Irritable, confused, and maybe a little jealous.
IN T H E L A S T M O N T H H A V E Y O U ?
1. Bought something: Yep
2. Sang: Probably at some point.
3. Been hugged: Aww yes.
4. Felt stupid: That is usually a daily thing ;p
5. Missed someone: Yes -sigh-
6. Danced crazy: Hmm not sure lol.
7. Gotten your hair cut: No, but I need to.
8. Cried: Oh yeah.
9. Lied: Maybe a little.
10. Been kissed: Perhaps.
*I am home for the summer.
*I cannot drive because of my seizure til July 19th.
*I have a crush on someone, and I think (and hope) it is actually mutual.
*I have already got to see many of my friends, some of which I have not seen in ages.
*I have lost weight, and look semi good in a two piece now.
*I am getting a very large inheritance from my great-grandparents who passed away (may they rest in peace).
*I am going to Chicago with my parents this summer to see the King Tut exhibit.
*I plan on taking a very personal vacation to visit friends in either Canada or Oregon.
*I am looking for an apartment in Richmond. All I really need is a roomate.
*I am unemployed, and it sucks (relates back to my inability to drive).
*I made all A's and B's last semester(and Dean's List for the third semester in a row).
Just a few highlights, may add more later. For all you people I have not called yet I will soon. Especially you Courtney, I want to play me some kickball.