Oh facebook, my facebook

Feb 27, 2009 00:06

Facebook is the biggest time-suck of all noted history.

That being said - it's totally awesome. It is hard for me to read the twitter journal entries on here because I never have any clue about what the replies were to and they make little sense to me. I guess since I don't Twitter (and since now all my non-working time seems filled to the brim with my friend re-connections I've made via facebook, I don't know when I would)I just don't get it.

I also don't get "Repo - the Genetic Opera". I thought the ten minutes I forced myself to sit through for the sake of Anthony Stewart Head (my love for his character Giles' singing in "Once More With Feeling" and subsequent Buffy episodes driving me to the movie in the first place) were more than enough torture for one lifetime. I also didn't even realize Sarah Brightman was in it until it was pointed out to me by a fellow LJ user. I must admit now that I have never liked Sarah Brightman either and felt her Christine Daee' in Phantom to be the most troubling aspect of the production. I did notice Paris Hilton's presence, and it scared me, so unpopular as it may be - I just can't bring myself to like anything about Repo. If Giles couldn't save it for me, nothing could. Mock if you will.

I will still visit here occasionally but if you really want to reach me, find me on fb.
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