While she'd said the meal would take place at one of her cottages, the building seemed to be anything but. Guests were directed to an office building, up to Suite 613. The door was locked when they arrived, but a sign taped to it read "Knock exactly three times" in Medea's neat handwriting.
After all, doors can be such tricky things, and this one was keyed to lead to a secondary Hollow of hers if someone did, in fact, knock three times on it. It unlocked with an audible click after the third knock, and when opened...well, inside wasn't exactly an office. It seemed more like the guest had stepped into a large, fancy tent of purple canvas, as one might find at a fairground.
There was a table in the middle of it, large enough to seat twenty or so, laden with traditional Thanksgiving dishes--turkey, stuffing, potatoes--as well as some that seemed out of place. A blue root vegetable, sliced and sauteed with onions. A dark leafy green with orange veins, drizzled with a creamy dressing. Drinks were on a table to the side, ranging from sodas to a pale blue wine that chimed softly in its bottle.
And Medea herself was finishing up the last touches to the decoration, setting pale blue glowing orbs in strategic locations to light the tent. She wore
a pink dress and pearls, her fae mien completely visible, from red eyes to the bloody black-clawed hands.
"Sit, sit. I'm almost ready."
(As most of my large party posts, this is open to anyone who wants to jump in. Feel free to tag one another instead of just me.)