(no subject)

Jun 22, 2010 10:50

From hikaruryu : D!

Proponimi un pairing. Io ti dirò: (Write a pairing I like in the comments and I'll answer with:)
1. Quando ho cominciato a shipparli (When I started to ship them)
2. Quale penso sia la sfida nel loro stare insieme (What's the challenge about seeing them as a pairing)
3. Cosa mi fa felice quando penso a loro (What makes me happy about thinking of them as a pairing)
4. Cosa mi rende triste quando penso a loro (What makes me sad when I think about them)
5. Che momento vorrei non fosse mai accaduto nella loro storia (What moment of their canon story I'd like to delete)
6. Con chi non mi dispiacerebbe vederli appaiati, se non tra di loro (What other pairing I like with that characters)
7. Il loro "vissero felici e contenti". (They 'happily ever after')

And just because the last video I posted wasn't slashy enough! White Collar! <3 Peter/Neal

image Click to view

And also this one! It has some slashy scenes from other show and it's one of those videos-with-plot! It's lovely (and spoilers from the last episode).

[meme], [fandom] white collar, [video]

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