
Oct 03, 2009 09:15

Sharing is Caring! for one week, recommend/share:
Day one: a song
Day two: a picture
Day three: a book/ebook/fanfic
Day four: a site
Day five: a youtube clip
Day six : a quote
Day seven : whatever tickles your fancy

Day six: A quote
“Joy in looking and comprehending is nature's most beautiful gift.” Albert Einstein

About my life: I ordered 'Down the long wind' and I hope it'll arrive intact (with ALL the pages). I found also The once and future king at the library of the university of foreign languages. As soon as I finish the books I'm reading I'll go look for it.
Finally I started the lessons <3 yummy, genetics!

[meme], [topic] university and tests, [topic] books and novels, [topic] science and ethology

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