Come to the dark side

Mar 18, 2009 12:49

I have a doubt. I can't find the right English word for 'collegio'. It's not boarding school. It's only a place where I live, sleep, study and eat because my university is far away from my town (the city of Romeo and Juliet <3). Maybe I'm wrong, maybe it's boarding school.
However, now I'm at home and I'm glad of it.
I study better at home because I don't get along very much with my roommate. She is nice but she is a bit racist (not unusually in Italy) and homophobic (not unusually in Italy, too.) And she doesn't know about my bisexuality and I DON'T have any intention to tell her and be insulted.
About musicals... there's this famous musical called 'Romeo et Juliette', it's a French musical but on youtube it's easy to find also the Hungarian version and some songs of the English version.
My favourite part is the duel between Mercutio and Tybalt, I loved the French song but I prefer the Hungarian version because it has a darker feeling, it gets you more carried away.
Here it is the Hungarian version of the initial song (which I prefer in English). There are also subtitles:

And now we are the the Mordred-ish part of the post.
I'm a great fan of Doctor Who and I'm now watching the second season of the new version but I was curious about the other versions and series of the DW and I searched some informations about them. I found out that  there were four episodes about Arthurian legends- no, about Morgain and Mordred. It's in the 26th season and episodes are called Battlefield.
Mordred is a bit too stupid and evil for my likings but I watched it anyway and I took some screenshots.
What is the next step? Icons, of course.




I'm nervous, worried about the exams and my grandmother succeeds in destroying my self esteem every day.  

[real life] life, [character] mordred (medraut), [icons], [topic] university and tests, [topic] musicals, [fandom] romeo and juliet, [fandom] doctor who

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