Arthurian advent calendar: 20th december

Dec 20, 2012 20:38

The Selkie by ~yaamas

Arthurian Advent Calendar - THE CALENDAR (list)

warning: English is not my first language

20th DECEMBER: (Merlin, Clarissant, Selkie)

When Merlin meets Clarissant he knows there is something different in her.

She is a simple girl with long red hair and a round nose, but her eyes are watery and long for the sea.

“What are you?” he asks her. Clarissant smiles, before answering: “Did you mean ‘who am I’? I am Clarissant, the daughter of Morgause.”

“No, you are not. I know Morgause, she may have raised you but you are not her daughter.”

“Why? What do you think I am?”

“You are a witch?”

“Maybe,” Clarissant shrugs. “Maybe not. Maybe I am becoming a witch.”

“You are not human,” tries Merlin, looking at her face. Her skin is ridiculously pale, almost blue.

“I like you. You know spells that Morgause doesn’t. You are useful. And you are not human either, you are the son of a demon. If you will help me, teach me your magic, I will promise I will tell you who I am.”

“First you must explain to me why you want my spells.”

“To find my brother. A mad woman stole him from my mother’s arms, a mad woman who had lost all her other children because of the king’s wars.”

Merlin nods. Clarissant’s face seems sincere, eager. “Then, tell me what are you.”

“I come from the sea. I am a selkie and I’ve hidden my pelt into a cave, maybe one day I will show it to you. My mother calls me Dindrane and I am a Nimue, a seeker of the ones who were lost in your human world.”

Merlin shakes her hand. She is a selkie. The power of a selkie- Merlin will help her find her brother and then he will look for her pelt.

Maybe the power of the selkie will help him saving Arthur’s kingdom and himself.

selkie, arthurian advent calendar, [fandom] arthurian legends, [ff] english arthurian stories

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