...free to write the two essays left of my undergraduate degree. But whatever.
Okay, so I've mentioned the first Gothic assignment in practically every single wrap up this year, but now it's time to put that whole thing to rest. I got the results for this assignment back just after Easter, and I basically scraped a 2:2, which I'm less than impressed with tbh. I almost had a total panic attack when I saw my grade (they put provisional marks on mybeckett, and though I could only see people's ID numbers on my phone, apparently when you opened it up on an iPhone, you could actually see people's names next to their marks??? nice one uni...), but I've since calmed down about it. Julianne was in a similar positon to me, and she spoke to our tutor Joanne, and she basically said that they'd knock this module off our overall grade or something? Because my average is either a high 2:1 or a first, they won't let this anomaly effect my overall grade, which is a huge relief. Getting that grade happened at exactly the wrong time, however, since I basically got it like two weeks before my dissertation was due in. It was a bit of a kick in the teeth, and I think because of it I'm doing a lot of unnecessary worrying, but I'll be glad when the essay for this module is handed in so I can be rid of it forever. I'm not too happy about the way this whole module has turned out tbh, but like I said, I've complained about it non stop, so I'll give it a rest.
Aside from all that, I feel that uni has kind of dwindled to a close? Handing my dissertation in, while it was a massive relief, was kind of anti-climactic given that I still have one 2000 word essay and one 3000 word essay to write. But the end of my undergraduate is nigh! True adulthood approaches!
Really there's nothing else for me to say about April, it's rushed by in a flurry of nerves and stress and I'm honestly rather glad to see it go! My final deadline is May 11th and then I'm going to London (again) on May 15th!! I really wanted something to look forward to after finishing up my dissertation/final assignments and my mum didn't really need a lot of convicing. I haven't planned anything about it other than where we'll be eating, and that we're going to see The Lion King and The Phantom of the Opera. So I'll be back in a few weeks time with yet another London post!