is this how carême felt

Apr 07, 2006 17:02

I just walked into Trabant Chai here in the U District, and the scones and muffins they have up at the register are all ones that I baked with my own hands this past week: blueberry and vegan morning glory muffins and apricot-walnut scones. I can see the marks on one of the scones where I re-measured and re-cut it after not being satisfied with the shape and can distinctly remember shaping it. If you are in Seattle and have a Cinnamon Yum Yum at Julia's (our big-assed cinnamon rolls split, drenched with orange cream, and grilled) or get a cinnamon roll, piece of sour cream coffee cake, muffin or scone from a coffee house with a Wallingford Bakery sticker on it, I made it. Oh, man. This is so cool. I just got my first check and I can guarantee that Carême was much better paid, but I've picked up two more shifts and things'll get better.

All continues to go well at the job. I just gotta focus on getting my speed up, and the first step to that is getting the big picture of what needs to be made when in the course of the day and the week. Two of my co-workers were extremely reserved around me for a while but seem to be warming up and talking a little more, and my boss is nothing but supportive. Yesterday I got the coffee cake perfect on my first solo try and I got a good hearty thump on the back, which never fails to make my day. I was going to work today as well, but seem to be fighting off a cold and decided to take the weekend to work it out of my system.

On my drawing board: a slightly sweet cornbread muffin, vegan tomato bisque made with coconut milk, and a sugar cookie recipe (probably will use a sablé) we can use to make seasonal holiday-shaped cookies (like hearts, four-leaf clovers, and so forth - sounds corny but people, including me, eat that shit up). I need to do some online research and see how much shaped cutters are. I should check the chef supply place near the Starbucks headquarters; they're also having a sale on Chefwear stuff and if I can pick up a couple of baker's shirts that'll save me from dirtying up all my t-shirts.

I also need to make a couple of cold calls on my old contacts in UW's HFS department and a couple of local coffee shops about carrying our stuff. If I pick up a new account, for the first three months I get a percentage of the profits. I just need to figure out what I want to take to them in the way of samples and add it to the production list. I'll do that this weekend.

Going to the late-night burlesque show that's part of the Moisture Festival at the Liberty tonight. I'm taking D. with me and we're having dinner first. Boobs!

working, kitchen, baking

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