Manip: For Tony with Love (and cherries) + Some Iron Man 2 GIFs (Rooftop Scene)

Oct 25, 2010 23:36

Ever since Iron Man 2 made all those fics where Pepper was fed usually by Tony strawberries not canon, spc6grl and I have been talking about our newest OTP of Pepper/Cherries so I made her this manip to celebrate our new under-appreciated ship (Tony/Pepper/Cherries is the OT3, obviously)

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+ iron man/rdj is always relevant, actress: gwyneth paltrow, movie: iron man, character: pepper potts, !art: manipulations, tptb: jon favreau, character: jim rhodes, character: tony stark, actor: robert downey jr, !art: animations, ship: tony/pepper, !art: icons

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skye3 October 26 2010, 02:59:17 UTC

Omg. Brilliant manippage, Mara! :D with that note, tony's probably breaking all laws to get home as fast as he can. Lol.

And the gifs = WIN.


luckytohaveher October 26 2010, 03:46:34 UTC
tony's probably breaking all laws to get home as fast as he can
He's probably doing that while yelling at JARVIS about how evil Pepper is for leaving him a Come Hither photo at the office and how he was an idiot not to have given her the cherries in person.

JARVIS is obviously as amused as an AI can be by the situation and records his Master's irregular behavioral patterns for further study.

And the gifs = WIN.
Thank you! I just had to do the Rhodey one! That was what was going through my mind after he started talking about sea wild life... who thinks about seals while Pepper and Tony are kissing? He needs to see a counselor, the dude has issues.


skye3 October 26 2010, 07:57:52 UTC
lol poor jarvis, i wonder how he hasn't 'tilt' yet with all the crazy things that he has witnessed.

and, do seals even like grapes? hmm what do you think would've happened if rhodey wasn't on that roof....


luckytohaveher October 26 2010, 21:20:58 UTC
lol poor jarvis, i wonder how he hasn't 'tilt' yet with all the crazy things that he has witnessed.
I think what keeps him um, "sane" is that watching Tony, Pepper and co can be frustrating sometimes but it can also be really amusing. I mean I bet he'd eat popcorn if he could while he watched Tony and Pepper bicker. That's fun!

and, do seals even like grapes?
Even if they do, how the hell does Rhodey know? *is suspicious* He probably spends all day watching the Discovery Channel when he's not at the base or hanging out with Tony :P

hmm what do you think would've happened if rhodey wasn't on that roof....

What? YOU KNOW IT'S TRUE. The armor totally has a "leave me starkers" button in case Pepper suddenly decides she wants to get down and dirty.


skye3 October 27 2010, 16:05:56 UTC
"I bet he'd eat popcorn if he could while he watched Tony and Pepper bicker. " -- i know *i* would. haha!

...or rhodey's just really into seals. *okay that sounded really weird*

"The armor totally has a "leave me starkers" button" -- agreed.


luckytohaveher October 28 2010, 02:06:00 UTC
...or rhodey's just really into seals.
The way I see it he's either a) hopelessly bad at making a good joke or b) into bestiality.

There's no other logical explanation for cracking a joke about seals after playing Voyeur upon the epic hot kiss that had a decade of build up.


-- agreed.
He only uses the bots to show off at the expo, he had that button installed ages ago so Pepper would stop worrying when he came back from missions ;)


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