May 03, 2005 02:50

Hey, just an update to make sure you're still dropping it like it's hawt.

In honour of it being May 3, and, subsequently, the release day for Under The Cork Tree by Fall Out Boy, golly gee, I thought I'd post some more Q&As with Fall Out Boy (Pete).  And in other news, I got Purevolume working again, and Celeste is a fucking kickass song.  And I got a "goodnight my love" from a boy which cheers me up in such a dumb way.

***edit*** Fucking stores. Went to 4 different places at 9am, before I finally called the biggest cd store I could think of, and they informed me that the godamned cd isn't out in Canada till the 10th. I caved and downloaded all the songs. Weak.

asked by Kendra on May 2 2005 7:59PM
Have you ever participated in a poetry slam, or even been to one?
answered by pete on May 3 2005 2:16AM
that sounds a bit too much like a gangbang.
asked by Trin on 2005-04-30 05:01:00
why dont you guys quit your jobs and get in line for the new star wars movie?
answered by pete on 2005-05-01 15:34:00
we are in line. you guys are singing along to chuckycheese robot FOB every night. wow. we can't believe that trick worked.
asked by Matthew on 2005-04-21 09:27:00
Hey guys, I saw you in nashville on the 19th and patrick was sick but still played the show. I just wanted to thank you guys for not cancelling and making me loose gas in vein. but to the question. Pete what did you think of when joe put a whole in that wall after trying to jump off like you did? Did you guys have to pay for it or did FBR take up the tab?
answered by pete on 2005-04-21 17:46:00
joe likes to break things like walls or my face as has happened many times. we think "gas being loose in your veins" is probably a bad thing, please call a doctor.
asked by HeyEly on 2005-04-21 13:08:00
Pete, Do you ever have any "Wet Dreams"? If so of whom? hmmm...?
answered by pete on 2005-04-21 17:30:00
once i fell asleep in the van between two dudes and had a crazy wet dream when i woke up they were both looking at me. but not like a "oh boy you rule" look more like a "what just happened" look but oh boy did it rule.
asked by john on 2005-04-20 02:40:00
pete, people have been asking some pretty good quetions, some that i also would like to know the answers for too. so if you guys are going to have this cool idea of asking the band a question, maybe you should actually attempt to answer them instead of trying to be funny.
answered by pete on 2005-04-20 19:17:00
dear john, you see. when we are too serious people complain that we should loosen up. when we act like ourselves people think we are ugly and should shave and take a shower. when we pretty ourselves up people call us superficial. when we write heavy songs people say they want more screaming. when we scream alot onstage people say that they want us to be more melodic. when we give low fives people say they wanted high fives... we have realized that we cannot possibly please everyone as a band, so we have decided that we will just be ourselves and the people that like us will and the people that don;t won't. for the most part we get asked questions that could be answered if you read our bio or looked at a FAQ page. the other questions are almost always: "patrick how do you sing so good", "will you play in my basement", or "pete can we have a million babies". these get old fast for both us and you. for the most part our lyrics are pretty serious and as is the directors cut- cut us some slack for trying to be light hearted. in conclusion, in the future we'll try to answer a question or two seriously. or maybe not.
asked by patterewseph stuntzleyman on 2005-04-20 00:43:00
Does the Van and Trailer [on the album cover] pulling away have anything to do with leaving behind smaller things and moving onto bigger things?
answered by pete on 2005-04-20 19:18:00
no. (see john, there's a serious answer)
asked by seeingstarz7 on 2005-04-19 18:29:00
What do you guys do to get ready for a show, it seems like onstage you have so much energy, its awesome, just being in the crowd and singing along is rough, so whats ur secret?
answered by pete on 2005-04-19 21:27:00
we snort cocaine and kill hookers before and after each show.
asked by Hayley on 2005-04-19 19:05:00
Pete. Is making a pubestache REALLY a 3-4 hour process??
answered by pete on 2005-04-19 19:36:00
thats the price of beauty baby. you should see how long it takes to make the whole beard.
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