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Mar 04, 2007 17:14

As a blind man feels when he finds a pearl in a dustbin, so am I amazed by the miracles of awakening rising in my consciousness. It is the nectar of immortality that delivers us from death, the treasure that lifts us from death, the treasure that lifts us above poverty into the wealth of giving to life, the tree that gives shade to us when we roam about scorched by life, the bridge that takes us across the stormy river of life, the cool moon of compassion that calms our mind when it is agitated, the fun that dispels darkness, the butter made from the milk of kindness by churning it with the dharma. It is a feast of joy to which all are invited.

-adapted from the Bodhicharyavatara by Shantideva
From "Teachings of the Buddha," edited by Jack Kornfield, 1993.

Tea in wonderland is growing into a crowded affair...
trying not only to accomodate boi's need for office but A mighty strange attachment to things for one hopping down the buddha trail....the gal who was a roomie at the cusick castle before i is temporarily camped out with her girl in the guest room, making it a tight wwaltz of 5 in a 2 & 1/2 bdroom ranch...mind you, communes share more space than that & i welcome all that feast but the trouble gentle readers is thus- the apha cat thing with the space boi & i are crammed into now....
the logical direction when one needs space is to acquire it, but these are sweet digs & i'm reluctant to not nest....the gals bound to grab their own pad when girl #2, (named renee- ironically since my middle name is renee) well po gal hada wreck & so thge 2 week stay has a more permanent possibility...again no trouble with the share BUT. boi's computer & office stye now in our bed area. why is this trouble for a cheshire ? oh possibly the cornered feeling of no breathing room, and the fact that in a battle of slobs my amour is undoubtedly the winner....well, genius is messy they say. so comprimise, the unatainable dream, has been the latest battle in the submit & fall in love journey.....perhaps there's a solution in not attaching myself to space or material things at all,. yasss the goal of mind, yo...it's just akin my gentle readers to sanford & son's junkyard of treasures merging with japhy ryder's shack...ahh, more tea, kisses, and clean it up when he's not there, ha, purrrhaps prurrrhaps. but i think co- merging with one you love should be easy, and the struggle stemming from us both is disconcerting....my mulitple choice solutions then~
a- build an artistic screen to disguise the corner of the room with the office...
b-save up for a deposit on a pad via my effort & accept the unbalanced pursuit on the cost of happiness
c- let him find his own pad and reapproach the seduction.
d-move to the tropics.

not moving anywhere or anything for a minute as i seemed to have cracked a rib coughing. my doctor whom i tried to visit friday has been out a whole month sick...hmmmm. love that public health system folks...
i dunno, is this middle aged rebellion as i fight for the supressed dream of youth?> a chemical drain of the menopause game?
or a legitamit grab for my needs i neglegted so oft in other relationships, kind of like drawing the line in the sand, but i swear it's not quikcrete, teheheh....at least i like to think i'm still flexable.. 
so how do i fix this space freakout? how to mellow & not be worldly? how to not loose my love over a lack of closet space? ha, it's so trivial if you type it out, but such a hot button for us both...
when u feature in the nature of our history together, it's especially bizarre..but some things are tmi. of course if you're reading you entered the cut and asked for it, thehehehe, titalation or frustration galore.
i find i'm well on my way to writing a second album., i just don't want it all to be sad love songs. i want fire without burning my hand,yo.
greedy little kitty aren't i?
meowza. madlove from tha chesh

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