(no subject)

Jul 10, 2004 14:31

v[x] Name: Bekca
[x] Nicknames: Blondie, Peach, Beeka, beekers.

[x] Birthday: Aug. 31
[x] Location? Do you like it there? : Yes. I have love here and its el Inverness
[x] Height: 5'7
[x] Eye Color: beautiful Blue =P
[x] Hair Color: Blonde
[x] Grade: 10th
[x] Braces? no =) no more...
[x] Glasses/Contacts?: nerp
[x] Hobbies:basketball
[x] Pets: 2 Cats
[x] Siblings: 3
[x] ticklish: sometimes
[x] What you want to be when you grow up?: Gregs =P
[x] Where do you want to go to college?: i dont know


[x] Color: Pink
[x] Movie: tons.. cool ones
[x] Type of Music: indie ? 80's ? Emo not so much anymore.. just i guess Alt.
[x] Song: Bush-Chemicals
[x] Animal: Cat. Greg Griffins.
[x] Store: Any with any thing i want.
[x] Sport: Basketball
[x] Car: Rita

[x] Holiday: X-mas

[x] Month: december

[x] Name for a Girl: alexia, harpet, chloe
[x] Name for a Boy: Micheal.. Greg.. uhhi dunno
[x] Number: 4

[x] Food: Chinese
[x] TV Show: Reno 911 its awesome
[x] Place to Be: Gregs =) or just anywhere with him
[x] Cartoon: Farly Odd Parents
[x] Actress: Nicole Kiddman

[x] Actor: Christapher Walkins i cant spell eh sorry
HaVe YoU eVeR

[x] Wished You Were of the Other Gender?: no
[x] Been Of the Other Gender?: no
[x] Had A Sex Change?: no
[x] Been In Love?: been? no.. am i in looove YES.
[x] Been Arrested?: close but thankfuly no
[x] Killed Someone?: nerp
[x] Killed Yourself?: no
[x] Ridden a Camel?: yes
[x] Been in a fight?: yes

[x] Gotten in Trouble for Something You Didn't Do?: yes
[x] Watched Porno?: yes

[x] Been in A Porno Movie?: only in my dreams
[x] been to a Concert? (or at least a good one) Which One? yeah sting was one =)
[x] Wished For Someone to Die? Who?: yea.. alot
[x] Wished For Someone To Like You?: yes =\
[x] Been to a Psychiatrist?: yes
[x] Been Put on Medicine You Didn't Need? yes
[x] Thought You Were Fat When You Weren't? yes all the time some times
Do YoU

[x] Like People Of the Other Gender?: yes
[x] Like People of the Same Gender?: no but i think there pretty

[x] Like To Give Hugs?: yes
[x] Cry Alot?: no i cry sometimes thoe
[x] Need Anger Medicine?: no..
[x] Have Stuffed Animals? martin
[x] Wish To Be Someone Else?: no im lucky to be me
[x] Hate Anyone? Who?: no one really i just dislike alot of people

[x] Miss Your Friends When School is Over?: yes
ThIs Or ThAt?

[x] Serious or Funny?:both
[x] Friends or Family?: friends
[x] Contacts or Glasses?: contacts
[x] Computer or Phone?: comp.
[x] MTV or BET?: fuse..
[x] Sneakers or Sandals?: sandals
[x] Hot or Cold?: cold..
[x] Me or You?: Me
[x] Right or Left?: left

[x] Sad or Happy?: happy
[x] Mad or Glad?: umm glad
[x] Running or Walking?: walking
[x] Couch Potato or Athletic?: potatoooe

[x] Living Forever or Dieing Eventually?: live
[x] Talking Forever or Odd Moments of Silence?: silence its the things we dont say that means the most
[x] Chocolate or Vanilla?: vanilla
[x] Love or Lust?: love
[x] Newspaper or Magazine?: Mag.
[x] Nerd or Jock?: nerd and jock
[x] Hot and Stupid OR Ugly and Smart?: ahh im the only 2% hes hot.. hes fucking smart as hell and he has money=P i found my love and im soo lucky hes the best
[x] Loud or Quiet?: qyiet

[x] Photos of Friends or Paintings of Friends?: photos

[x] Night or Day?: night
[x] Short or Tall?: tall
[x] Lake or Ocean?: lake..
[x] Never or Always?: always
[x] Stop or Go?: go
[x] Basement or Attics?: basement
[x] Small Apartment or Big Mansion That is Haunted?:big mansion
[x]Guys/Girls: guys

[x]Green/Blue: blue
[x]Pink/Purple: Pink

[x]Sleep/Stay Up: sleep
[x]Summer/Winter: Winter.. brings loove
[x]Spring/Fall: Fall
[x]Night/Day: night..
[x]Hanging Out/Chillin: hanging out im no gangster
[x]Friends/Lovers: Lover

[x]Fast/Slow: Fast

[x]New/Old: both
[x]Dark/Light: dark
[x]Sparkle/Shine: sparkle
[x]Peach/Plum: i am peach
[x]Apple/Orange: green apple
[x]Laundry/Dishes: laundry
[x]Christina/Britney: brit
[x]Limp Bizkit/KoRn: neither
[x]Rock/Rap: neither

[x]Pop/R&B: pop
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