Oct 20, 2003 16:11
i should have told jerrid that i liked justin.... i shouldnt of told chloe that i like justin now i have what is called hell
yeah chloe mad up some b/s lies and told jerrid but she did tell him one thing that is the truth that i like justin.. that hurt jerrid and he called me pu and shit i cant belive that she told him and little miss SLUT Krista was trying to throw her self at jerrid and krista guess what? Fuck you i hate you... even more than i hate Chloe... but yeha now my life is hell and all i want is for everthing to go back to normal b4 jerrid ever broke up with me the first time... and i just really wanna hold him.. i love him so much adn hes the only one i wanna be with.. my mom thinks i should go back out with Jerrid but i dout hell ever wanna go back out with me and now im sad... my life is misrable and no one really nows whats going on so here:
10.10- We got to jerrids house late and we got in trouble so he got grounded for a month and broke up with me so i wouldnt cheet on himwe later that nyte go back out and every thing is happy
10.11- we go to bush gardens and ricky come we have a blast i ask ricky a bunch of uestions about if he would screw this girl and that girl... i ask him if he would me he says yes and jerrid gets mad at me for that.. then ricky points out some chick thong and jerrid keeps staring at it.. 30 mins later in the back of his moms van he breaks up with me
10.12 &13 - i cry alot and be mean to jerrid for breaking my heart i pretty much make him go back out with me b4 hes ready and i realize i like justin waters..
10.14 -- every thing look like its good me and jerrid get in a couple small fights that nnyte i break up with jerrid becuase im tired of fighting and dont wanna go out with anyone..
10.15-17- me and jerrid stay really good friends and date
10.18- i go to the mall in tampa with chloe enstead of staying on the fone with jerrid like i siad i would we get in a HUGE fight he tells me alot of extrmly mean things that im not going to repeat becuase im just not
10.19-things are good me and jerrid talk were ok with ewach other
today 10.20- chloe tells jerrid that i like justin and krista makes some huge b/s lie about hanging all over jusitn and is throwing herself all over jerrid,, and flirting with him and shit and alot of other stuff and jerrid calls me and he tells me he knows i like jusitn all is hell and ill i want it jerrid...
that should inform you all..