Dec 08, 2007 16:46
I had a change around the other day. And everything feels so different. I've been talking to someone :) And we have stayed up talking for hours until 6am and 8am the past two days (yes, i am now nocturnal). We sort of click and I love it. He asked me out, but I didn't want to rush anything (I know I'm weird). But I'm so psyched to see where this could be going. The only bad thing, is that we work together. Could be worse, perhaps?
Only two more days of class. Thank you god. Though this semester blew. Hated it. I need to a swift kick to the ass when it comes to the school thing. It's going to take me forever to build my GPA back up. I hope I can find the motivation.
Money issues are abundant right now. My mom had to loan me money for rent. That sucks so much. :( I need to pick up so many more shifts at work it's ridiculous. It's so hard to though because everyone is need of money this time of year, so getting good shifts is virtually impossible.
For a serious moment, I though about taking a year off school and going inactive so I could make money. But I know that's not the best solution. I just need to tough it out somehow.
I can't wait for Christmas, aside from the fact that I haven't had money to start shopping. Brynn and I haven't started decorating yet either! Damn, we should have done that weeks ago!
I'm done for now.