Still no power. I'm at a computer lab on campus, which is less air-conditioned than I'd normally wish, but at least it's better than the 90 degree oppressive heat of the apartment.
The neighborhood is pretty wrecked; we have (had?) a lot of trees, a fair number of which are now blocking sidewalks (which is a step up from when they were blocking roads two days ago). There's no power on the stretch of University Avenue that borders campus, which makes crossing said avenue somewhat more life-threatening than usual. And the neighborhood is silent except for the sound of GRU workers striving to restore power. The silence is the worst of all, really. I can handle the heat, I can almost handle the loss of Internet, but sitting around all day in silence is just ridiculous.
suzi502 sent up a radio with my brother last night, so I had some entertainment. But not much; I fell asleep before midnight, mostly because the heat was exhausting.
There's not much else to share: I'm safe, Arthur's safe, we both have food and water--it's just HOT and DARK and BORING. Boring for me, at least; I don't think the cat notices. However! We have classes today, and I'm celebrating the excuse to escape from the house for a few hours.
The only real problem at this point is that I won't be able to check my departmental email until tonight, because I don't know how to access it from here. But that's less worrying than it should be, probably because I'm so exhausted.